Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Robbery in Progress-In Minnesota

News report: "We understand that more ballots are coming in from one Hennepin County precinct. They were reportedly found in the trunk of a precinct official's car, but she insists that she always maintained secure custody, so they will be counted. Back to you, Bob"

In the Minnesota Senate race between incumbent Norm Coleman and the despicable "comedian" Al Franken, with 100% of the vote counted on election night, Coleman came out with a narrow 725 vote victory. Yet, in the past week, election officials have "discovered" additional ballots, including 32 absentee ballots in the trunk of one official's car (ALL going to Franken), "clerical errors" and "typos" that have gone disproportionately to Franken, thus reducing Coleman's lead to 206 votes. Now, there must be a hand-recount which will probably begin November 19.

It is interesting that in an election that was divided 50-50, Franken has benefited from the disproportionate share of the new ballots. By one study, Franken has befitted 2.5 times as much as Obama did with the new ballots. It appears that the proportion of questionable ballots (which have already been added to the count), have gone over 90% to Franken. (See Megyn Kelly interview with Tim Pawlenty, posted on Hot Air November 11, 2008)

Could it be, with three Senate races still hanging in the balance, that the Democrats are trying to reach that 60 vote filibuster majority in the Senate-by any means necessary? Remember, we are talking about the Democratic Party that is in bed with ACORN.

It appears to this not-so-paranoid observer that we are witnessing voter fraud in action right before our very eyes, the same type of operation we saw in Florida in 2000 (keep counting until we get the result we want). Fortunately, Team Bush was able to fight off the Dems attempt to steal Florida. Will Coleman also be successful?

If Franken manages to pull off this heist, all you Democrats can celebrate. But think what it is you will be celebrating; another nail in the coffin of honest elections.

Another nail in the coffin of our democracy.


  1. I haven't been following this particular race, but I like Al Franken. Conservatives are just sore at him because he calls them out on their lies. (My personal favorite was when he called O'Reilly out on his whopper about having won "two Peabodies" - when his show only won a Polk, and that was when he wasn't even with the show.)

    But yeah, he's got a liberal bias, which of course is far worse than completely making stuff up.

    Have you ever seen the debate between him and Coulter? Funny stuff - he called her out on a few lies while she tried to parse words to the point where she was doing backflips just to make sense of her original point.

    And are you guys really still going on about this ACORN thing? Didn't this just turn out to be some lazy employees who tried to make it look like they did more work than they did, and the end result wouldn't affect the election one way or another?

    And as for this:

    It appears to this not-so-paranoid observer that we are witnessing voter fraud in action right before our very eyes, the same type of operation we saw in Florida in 2000 (keep counting until we get the result we want).

    That's not how I understood it. I understood it as "let's actually count all the votes" and the Supreme Court said, "Let's stop counting the votes."

    Whatever, I don't get too worked up about that one. It was Gore's campaign to lose, and lose it he did.

  2. Lance,

    First of all, I consider Franken to be an all-around bad guy.

    As for ACORN-thank God they didn't make a difference in the election, but what they were doing was out and out criminal.

    As for Florida 2000- every person who voted had their votes counted at least twice and in some counties-hand picked by the Dems-three times. The deadline for certification was set back by the Florida Supreme Court, who tried to re-do state election law themselves. Oh, I could go on and on about that issue, but I'll leave it at that.

  3. What exactly is it that Franken does that's so bad? Seriously - does he lie? Does he make stuff up?

    Don't get me wrong - he's way too much of a True Believer when it comes to the Democrats for my taste, but I have yet to hear any conservative give me something concrete about what's so bad about him. It seems like they just don't like him calling them out on their bull.

  4. Franken is a vicious pundit who I associate much more with Air America than I do Saturday Night Live. I have never even experienced his humor.

    During the elction, he put out a campaign ad that called Coleman, who is a decent man, the 4th most corrupt senator in Congress.

    Now, it appears, he is trying to steal an election.

  5. The story about the ballots being in a car trunk is false.

    Gary, did it ever occur to you that if your guy loses in a recount, that he might have actually lost? It seems you've completely ruled out that possibility from your mind and decided that if things don't go your way, then well it MUST have been fraud!

  6. Bryan,

    Based on what I heard tonight during an interview with Mn Gov Tim Pawlenty, I made a couple of changes to my original post.

    1- the official in question was a woman, not a man, so I changed his car to her car.

    2 The ballots were, in fact, in the trunk of her car for "a couple of days", but according to her, never out of her control.

    3 All of the 32 ballots were for Franken. Red flag?

    Now I'm sorry, but the numbers, to any normal person, just don't add up. In an election that went 50-50-even in a heavily Democratic precinct, you don't get the numbers that are coming in for Franken in such overwhelming stats. These "ballots" are 2.5 to 3times to Franken's favor as they are to Obama or House candidates.

    Tim Pawlenty was very careful in his statements. He even defended the MN Sec of State, a Democrat, from any suggestion he would do less than the honorable thing. He did say, however, that the stats give rise to concern.

    I don't care if a recount goes against the Rep or the Dem as long as it is fair and accurate. If a Rep stole an election by this method, I would be front and center condemning it-because, after all, I am not a Rep.

    I do, however, smell a fish. If one more Dem, even a radical jerk like Franken, gets into the Senate, fine. But no matter who wins or loses, we cannot allow our elections to come down to this.

  7. The left-wing illuminati have even gotten the judges to go liberal and invade people's privacy in the process.
