Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Random Shots in the Dark (8)

US Government cheeseburger

Introducing the 2009 US Government People's Car

Here is another month's worth of bad news, folks.

Lindsay Lohan, Hollywood's top scholar, last night referred to Barack Obama as "America's first colored president". Ms Lohan must be prepping for a 1940s style film noire when that term was in vogue. Yet, if she had said "America's first president of color, no one would have blinked."

Are the stories about Israel-hater Robert Malley (former asst. to Sandy Berger) being sent to the Middle East by Obama to reassure the leaders of Syria and Egypt that Obama will be more supportive really true? Wasn't this guy canned once by Obama for meeting with Hamas? And is it true (as says Hamas) that they have had pre-election secret meetings with Obama reps, which no longer need to be secret since the election?

The Israelis must be feeling real good right now.

And there are rumors that none other than Jamie Gorelick, is being considered for Attorney General. Yes, the same lady who, as Asst AG under Janet Reno, set up the so-called firewall that kept the CIA and FBI from sharing intelligence. The same Jamie Gorelick who sat on the board of Fannie Mae, and the same Jamie Gorelick who most recently was defending Duke University against a lawsuit brought by their former Lacrosse players who had been falsely accused of rape.

That Jamie Gorelick.

Of course, Obama is the same guy who called in LA's playboy mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, to advise him on economics. Maybe "Fast Tony" will be our next Treasury Secretary. At least that will get him out of California.

Speaking of AGs, news comes in that SF DA (now there's a contradiction in terms) Kamala Harris is running for California State Attorney General, citing, "tough and smart" strategies to fight crime. Like vowing never to seek the death penalty under any circumstances. Ask Danielle Bologna, whose family was murdered by an illegal alien gang member in SF if she supports Harris.

Is there any reason why John McCain cannot come out and publicly defend Sarah Palin against these unnamed attacks on her by his staffers? No wonder he lost the election.

The news say today that some deranged fan of Paula Abdul was found dead in front of Abdul's house. Makes sense to me. First of all anybody who is a fan of Abdul doesn't have a life to begin with and is obviously deranged by definition.

Is there a more dispicable person in this country than (Professor) William Ayres?

As I was following the news of Al Franken stealing the Senatorial election in Minnesota, they were playing a film clip of Al haranguing some crowd. Sitting behind Al was Bill Clinton, himself. In back of him were a bunch of wild supporters jumping up and down waving Obama signs as Al was getting the crowd all stirred up. And there was Bill sitting there with his eyes closed, probably dreaming about the after-the-speech party. Classic.

And Hillary? Probably sitting in her house alone with the shutters closed thinking about what should have been.

Speaking of Bill Clinton, did you catch O'Reilly last night when he showed a clip of his debate with ex-newscaster and Professor Marvin Kalb of Harvard, which was filmed September 27? In one exchange in front of Kalb's students, the learned professor asked Bill the following:

Kalb: "Do you believe that a President who avoided military service himself should be sending young men and women to fight in what are called ‘wars of choice’?"

O'Reilly then asked Kalb if he were referring to Bill Clinton (because Bush served in the National Guard) as the students cracked up.

I see Mark Foley has "broken his silence" on his page boy scandal. Bummer. Foley, predictably, is wallowing in self pity and parsing his words about just what exactly he did. In one colossal statement, he says, "Well, they were 17 years old." And then, there is this, "Well, I didn't actually have sex with them." Shades of Bill Clinton.

I see where the Court of Appeals in Richmond upheld the indictment of Rep. William "Cool Cash" Jefferson, which clears the way for his trial. Hurricane Gustav delayed the primary in Louisiana's 2nd District until November 4, and the general election will be held December 6. Safe to say, however, that Jefferson will be tossed out on his ear by the good voters in New Orleans........

What? You say Jefferson won the primary and is favored to win the general election?

Silly me.

After all, I'm the same guy who thought that America would never elect a one-term senator and ex-community organizer who had ties to Tony Rezko, William Ayres, Bernadine Dohrn, Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger.

Silly me.

I'm also the guy that thought that Bill Clinton would surely be driven from office when it was disclosed he was playing "hide the baloney" with a White House intern-in the Oval Office, no less.

Silly me.

And Larry (I am not gay, nor have I ever been gay) Craig is still in the Senate?

Silly me. Why should being busted in a men's room get in the way of a senate career.

So now, we are bailing out General Motors? If you want to know why Detroit is going belly-up (the auto industry-not just the city)......Look for the union label. So now that the US Government is going to pump our money into the auto industry, will they impose new quality standards so the cars don't fall to pieces after 50,000 miles? And what's next? What happens if Burger King goes under? Bailout? I've heard of government cheese, but I've never heard of government cheese burgers!!

That's it for now. Pass the Tylenol.


  1. Who's this William Ayres guy? Never heard of him.

    Hey Gary, just out of curiosity, but did it bother you that Palin's husband was a member of an Alaskan independence organization? Isn't that just a trifle anti-American? Didn't this country fight some sort of a war or something over states trying to form their own country? Hmmm...

  2. Not really. Don't know that much about it.

  3. That was a good point. Next thing you know, the elitist illuminati will be giving out bailouts to the restuarants.

  4. knowitall,

    I note you are commenting on many of my old postings, so I have a hard time replying because I don't know which posting you are referring to.

    If you are commenting on an old post, could you refer to the specific post so I can go back and reply? (only an illuminti could figure out the topic.)
