Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obama's Planned Community Service- Goal or Requirement?

I am posting the below from my friend and colleague, Roger Gardner at Radarsite. It concerns Barack Obama's plans for national youth service. Specifically, it concerns the words "require" vs "setting a goal" (for 50/100 hours of community youth service). It seems that the original wording ("require") which appeared on Obama's website was replaced by "setting a goal".

As for the photo above, calm down, folks. I am not comapring Obama to Stalin. Time will tell, however, if this planned youth service will take on aspects of hero worship and indoctrination. (Will they call it, "The Obama Youth"?) In addition, the question begs: Will such service be required or not-even for those who don't go to college?

Note from Radarsite: "This morning I received the following comment to our previous article about Obama's announcement on his official website."

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "And You Thought We Were Exaggerating":

"Except for, you know, you totally misquote it. Here is the quote from the website:"

"Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free.

Notice the total lack of the word "require"

Radarsite: So I went back and checked Obama's website, and here it is.

America Serves

"When you choose to serve -- whether it's your nation, your community or simply your neighborhood -- you are connected to that fundamental American ideal that we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness not just for ourselves, but for all Americans. That's why it's called the American dream.

"The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start."

Radarsite: "The following paragraph has just disappeared."

"Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year."

Radarsite: "It has now been replaced by this one."

"Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free."


"Take note my friends, because this is just a sample of what we are going to be dealing with in our turbulent future. The highlighted text that was the subject of our previous article is just gone. Gone. Gone without explanation or acknowledgement. Furthermore one of their minions writes in a comment telling us that it was never there in the first place, that I misquoted it. Is it really going to be this easy to manipulate the truth, to manipulate us? Evidently they think so.

We can not, we must not accept this totalitarian manipulation of the truth. We must fight back against each and every one of these outrageous attacks on our freedoms. We warned you and you ignored us, and now it is here." - rg

"Another update: Read this new comment. Now they are accusing me of altering the original document. Take your pick readers. Is Radarsite lying? Or are the Obamaites lying? There is no middle ground here."

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "And
You Thought We Were Exaggerating":

"If you are going to alter what you copied, it's not a good idea to link to it. Per the source:"

"Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free.

Unjustified fear is one thing, altering meaning to feed fear erodes your credibility and left me wondering if you lack morals and ethics."

"[Update-Susan Duclos] The original wording was caught as a screenshot by hillaryclinton forum, bless their hearts and I am adding it here for those claiming the word require was never there."

You be the judge.


  1. This just further confirms my theory that William Shakespeare was a time traveler. What else could have inspired him to write a play entitled Much Ado About Nothing?

  2. lance,

    I figured that would get a rise out of you. Just remember;lacking a full-blown revolution, the loss of liberties comes incrementally. Our job is to be a watchdog. If this guy is thinking of a mandatory civil service for anyone, that should be resisted.

  3. Hardly a rise. More of a "ho hum".

    Mandatory civil service, eh? Does that mean that you'd oppose the idea of a military draft?

  4. Lance,

    No, I don't oppose reinstating the draft.

    I am just trying to gently point out (in my exaggerated way) that these little organizations have precedent. I don't mind the idea of a kid earning money toward college with community service-although $4000 doesn't go far as you know (that is the figure mentioned).

    My point is that these could be vehicles for forming young minds if that is the intent. Just look at the Hitler Youth and whatever the communist youth groups were called. If this is going to happen, hopefully, it will be done through already established organizations which are non-partisan. If they try to create a new govt agency to handle this, watch out.

    You may laugh, but remember these things can come incrementally until the day comes when we wake up and we have one party in control of our country.

  5. Okay, so "mandatory civil service should be resisted" but you don't oppose reinstating the draft? Isn't the draft mandatory civil service? Sure, you're picking up a gun instead of a shovel (or whatever the case might be), but how is the basic idea any different?

    Personally, I'm hesitant (not completely resistant) about mandating either civil or military service, but I do believe in creating incentives for both. (Like money for college, health benefits, etc.) And while military service definitely carries a bit more weight, since they're risking their lives, we should create a culture where those who aren't necessarily military material can still give to their country.

    The thing is, when it comes to loss of liberties, you seem quick to poo-poo the endulgences of the current administration, but now when Obama talks about civil service, it's ominous.

    But, when I think about it, I'd rather that there are at least some folks who might be a wee bit paranoid than if everybody in the country just shut off their minds and accepted everything. ('Cause like the saying goes, just because you're paranoid, that doesn't mean that they're not after you.)

  6. The basic idea would be that able-bodied men would be required to defend their country. We hada draft for a long time. It is not so unreasoanble to bring it back at least in time of war.

    As for the "loss of liberties" you mention by Bush-they were done in the name of stopping further terrorist attacks on US soil -not to solidify one's political power.

    Anyway, if they form something called The Obama Youth, then I will really worry.

  7. As for the "loss of liberties" you mention by Bush-they were done in the name of stopping further terrorist attacks on US soil -not to solidify one's political power.

    Hey, did you hear that the Golden Gate Bridge is for sale? Just send me a check.

    Anyway, if they form something called The Obama Youth, then I will really worry.

    I'll be right there with you.

  8. Lance,

    Are saying the nsa wiretaps and Gitmo were all done to get Bush re-elected?

  9. I'm saying that it's too simplistic to say that they did all of those things just to fight the terrorists. Just because I reject one simplistic answer, that doesn't mean that I favor another.

  10. What other reasons do you think there were?

  11. Solidifying power, naturally.

    Power corrupts, don't you know.

  12. Lance,

    A lot of good it did him (Bush). It only brought down international condemnation-mostly from those who want no part of fighting Islamic terror. It helped drop his approval rating down into the 20s and kick a lot of Republicans out of power.

    He did it to prevent further
    9-11s. And you know what? It apparently has worked (knock on wood).

  13. It apparently has worked (knock on wood).

    Only time will tell on that one. It sure as hell didn't result in catching the mastermind behind 9/11 now, did it? If anything, the whole debacle in Iraq has prevented us from bringing that guy to justice.

    Basically, I'm just saying that I'm glad that there are people who speak up whenever the government gets all Caesar-like. I just think that everybody should be weary of it no matter if its conservatives or liberals.

  14. We will see how the media reacts when Obama takes over. You think they will be the watchdogs then?

  15. Well, let's let him actually screw up before we get our shorts all up in a bunch over who's reporting what.

  16. Lance,

    Trust me-you can take it to the bank.

  17. Wouldn't it be ironic if the first black president was to reintroduce a form of personal servitude.

  18. We all know that the liberal illuminati will make it a requirement. They have such a power trip.
