Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama Has Aunt Living in US-Illegally

Zeituni Onyango

"I am my brother's keeper (but not my half-brother or my aunt)."

Just as you thought this election couldn't get any more bizarre, now it has been revealed that Barack Obama (who talks about being his brother's keeper) has an aunt living in public housing in Boston and who is in the country illegally.

The aunt, Zeituni Onyango, is the half-sister of Obama's deceased father. Obama referred to her as "Auntie Zeituni" in his book, "Dreams from my father". She is Kenyan and was ordered to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge.

Well, orders shmorders.

Today, Onyango sits in a Boston public housing project in a building for disabled persons, apparently living in some degree of poverty-and apparently being ignored by Obama.

The Obama campaign is saying that Obama was unaware of her status and believes the law should be fully applied. Apparently, Onyango had contributed $260.00 to Obama's campaign, which is being returned, according to an Obama spokesperson. It has also been reported that Onyango attended Obama's swearing-in ceremony as US Senator.

So how should the public react to this? On the one hand, this adds to the hypocrisy of Obama talking about being "his brother's keeper" and deriding those who object to his redistribution plans as being "selfish". We had already known that Obama had a half-brother in Kenya living in a tin shack outside Nairobi. What has Obama done for him? Moreover, I would like to know what Obama has done to help his aunt regularize her status with Immigration authorities?

On the other hand, what should we expect from Obama in securing our borders when he has an aunt who herself is an illegal alien? If Obama has not done anything to help his aunt normalize her status here, has he turned a blind eye to her being here illegally?

With so many skeletens that have crawled out of Obama's closet, one must ask-how many more are there? At what point do voters conclude that enough is enough. At what point do the American people wake up and realize that Barack Obama is about to pull off the greatest con job in American history?


  1. Gary, I once read that Obama's father's brother's uncle's cousin once went into the "9 items or fewer" line with 10 items! And it turns out that one of the items was a tomato that Obama's wife later wound up using to make salsa.

    Where's the mainstream media outrage?

  2. Gary, I am completely shocked that you would stoop down to such a level and bring up this subject to smear Obama. Is Obama responsible for every person from his tribe? Are YOU taking care of everyone in your extended family? Without knowing any of the circumstances I would be very careful before I judge a man on the behaviour of some of his family members. Unless he really knew about it and deliberately ignored her, I see nothing wrong there. He can't be everywhere. Why don't you pick on Palin ignoring her children? I remember one of Nixon's croonies who said he would step over his mother to get where he wanted to be, heartlessness is more republican than democrat, and I am sorry for you picking this piece of garbage news.

  3. Ingrid,

    You have missed my point. Everyone has a relative or friend who has done something wrong. Here are my points:

    1 Obama has said that "I am my brother's keeper". He wants to redistribute income to pay for those like Onyango. Point- What has he done for her himself? Apparently nothing. Same point for his half-brother in Kenya.

    2 Question: Did SENATOR Obama know he had an aunt living in the US illegally? If so, why didn't he help her legalize her status? He obviously did not.

    "Unless he really knew about it and deliberately ignored her, I see nothing wrong there."

    Do you really think he didn't know?

    Ingrid, there is hypocrisy here on the part of Obama. It is another example of associations that Obama is trying to explain away by claiming "he didn't know".

  4. Lance,

    Wait till Obama gets elected. You are going to see all these father's brother's uncle's cousins coming out of the woodwork. How about the half-sister who communicates with Elvis?

    You laugh.

  5. How about the half-sister who communicates with Elvis?

    Hey, I wouldn't hold that against him. You don't even want to know some of the stuff my half-sister believes.

  6. Lance,

    I don't hold it against him. After all, I am the only one in my whole family who isn't a card-carrying Democrat.

    I was just making a humorous observation.

  7. I didn't take it too seriously.

    But regarding his aunt, I don't fault him for that one way or the other. Even if he did know about it, I wouldn't blame him for not turning her in to the authorities. In a way, I'd think less of him if he did!

  8. What I would have expected of him as a rich millionaire Us Senator would be to help her legalize her status and help her out financially. He has done neither apparently.

  9. Gary, I have a feeling if he would have done what you are recommending, you would have been criticizing Obama for handing out favors. Don't you normally take a pretty harsh stance against illegal immigrants?

    By the way, you might enjoy this video.

  10. Gary, the holidays must be really fun for you, being the only conservative in the family.

    Oh and I think you are obviously taking Obama's "I am my brother's keeper line" a little too literally. But let's say it WAS meant to be taken literally. Well, this woman isn't his brother!

    I also want to add my anecdotal two cents by saying that my mother has half siblings whose whereabouts I have no idea of.

  11. Bryan,

    A lot of illegal aliens take steps to normalize their status. Apparently, she did not.

  12. Bryan,

    What Obama means is that he wants to force US to be everybody's keeper. But when it applies to him personally, he does nothing.

  13. Bryan,

    "Don't you normally take a pretty harsh stance against illegal immigrants?"

    That requires a long drawn out answer. I suggest you go to my first essay dated May 11, 2007-The (Mexican) illegal alien issue. That speels out my position in detail.

  14. Gary, please say something about Palin speaking with Sarkozy for 6 minutes without realizing that it was an impostor. I wonder how you will explain that one.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Now that Barack is in office, will he make the liberal illuminati vote to keep his aunt here, and give all the other illegal immigrants a pass?

  17. Now the liberal illuminati have Bush convinced allowing illegals to stay here is okay. What is the world coming to?
