Friday, November 28, 2008

Meanwhile at the UN..........

"Anybody home?"

Almost as an afterthought (perhaps because the United Nations is little more than an afterthought), I checked out the UN's webpage today to see how they were reacting to the events in India. As I suspected, there isn't much there, although certain pages are suddenly not available, such as the "Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People" page. Yet, it is instructive to see what is posted at the UN website.

There is a statement that the Security Council has strongly condemned the acts of terror in Mumbai, expressed sympathy for the victims and called for the prosecution of those arrested. There is also a similar statement from Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon. There is little mention of the perpetrators beyond a vague reference to a group that has claimed responsibility and probably doesn't even exist. (Deccan Mujahadeen). There is no mention of the Chabat House, the Jewish center in which several Jews including Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivki, were executed in cold blood as Indian commandos closed in.

If you click the page on events in the Middle East, it contains mostly a litany of Palestinian grievances against Israel.

Then I clicked on the page concerning UN actions against terrorism. It is nothing short of a white paper, something every official organization needs to have in its files when the inspectors come looking. It condemns terrorism in all its forms, calls for worldwide coordination to combat it, speaks of conferences and resolutions.....

Oh yes, it stresses that terrorism has no connection to any religion, people, nationality.....

Yet, beyond one passing reference to Al-Qaida and the Taliban, I could find no reference to Islamic terror nor any reference to specific victims of terror-like Jews, Americans, Israelis and other non-Muslims. In all those reams of paper and resolutions, the word Islamic does not appear once. There is no mention of terror-sponsoring states like Iran and Syria. As far as the UN is concerned, terrorism must be committed by Martians.

What a useless and corrupt organization is the UN. It is a body that gives new meaning to the word, "empty".


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