Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fousesquawk Prediction-Sometime in 2009

I told you Barack Obama couldn't walk on water.


  1. My prediction:

    No matter what he does, the right-wing pundits will slam him and the left-wing pundits will praise him.

    If he parachutes into Pakistan and personally brings Osama bin Laden to justice, Sean Hannity will say that he was grandstanding and pandering to the public.

    If he bites the head off of a live chicken during the State of the Union, Keith Olbermann will say that it was a brilliant attention-getter.

    I'll try to take it one decision at a time. Think you'll pull that off as well?

  2. You may be right, Lance, but I listen to Hannity most everyday. Yesterday, he said he wants Obama to succeed as president. Why? Because he loves his country.

    When was the last time a Democrat made that statement about George Bush? 2003-2004? Certainly not in his last term. After Iraq, they were rooting for him to fail in everything.

  3. PS To answer your question- Yes, I think so. If he fights those damn terrorists, I am on his side because he will be my commander-in-chief.

    We shall see.

  4. To put a spin on something that Jon Stewart says - indeed, Sean Hannity does love his country. He just hates half of the people who live there.
