Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Carona Trial- Haidl Finishes Direct Testimony

Mike Carona (R)in better days

Today, Don Haidl finished his direct examination in the Mike Carona trial. Among the additional details that came out was that Carona was taking credit (in tape recorded conversations with Haidl in mid-2007) for setting in motion the investigations that led to the indictments of ex-Astt. Sheriff George Jaramillo and lawyer Joe Cavallo (both of whom are now convicted felons and scheduled witnesses against Carona.) The motive was apparently to discredit Jaramillo and Cavallo in case they ever wound up testifying against Carona (at the point, Carona knew he was under investigation.

In answering final questions from the prosecutor, Haidl stated that his motive for all he did for Carona was to have full access to the Office of the Sheriff.

As the cross-examination began, the defense lawyer got Haidl to admit that he was an independently wealthy businessman. Haidl also admitted that he was "acting" and lying when he engaged in taped conversations with Carona, the man who had placed his trust in Haidl. It was the old, "why should we believe you now when you were lying then" line of cross-examination that is always used when a snitch is testifying.

Stop! I have the answer to that question. It lies in one word-corroboration. The prosecution and the judge themselves will underline the fact that Haidl, Jaramillo and Cavallo are unsavory characters, whose testimony should not be accepted by juries-in the absence of corroboration. It is the job of the prosecution to corroborate their testimony as much as possible.

One big form of corroboration is the tapes themselves-Carona's words out of his own mouth. It is the government's corroboration of three sleazebags that will win or lose the case against "America's Sheriff."

Haidl resumes cross-examination tomorrow. As yet, there is no word whether "The Little Sheriff" will testify for or against Carona.

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