Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin

No political statement here. Just trying to dress up my blog, like, make it more attractive, nicer to look at, you know......never mind.


  1. She is beautiful, but as soon as she opens her mouth I cringe. Nails on a blackboard sound better.
    I still have a problem with her mothering a Down Syndrome child and her other children while working on the second toughest job in the world. She sounds as hard as she must be and that is not at all attractive.
    Truly I think that McCain doesn't really want the job and this is his way out.

  2. I noticed that she should lower her octaves a bit when she speaks, but she is a lot easier on the ears than Hillary Clinton.

    Actually VP is hardly the second toughest job in the world. I just hope she learns while on the job.

    Getting ahead of myself, perhaps?

  3. I have a feeling that this pick is going to backfire on McCain. I could be wrong though.

  4. Or you could be right. But there is one thing the Republicans must do, and that is to bring in new, fresh blood, reformers. I am thinking of people like Bobby Jindall, Michael Steele, Lynn Swann and Sarah Palin.

    We shall see.

  5. Being a mother is the toughest job in the world, and she is not doing it at all. Who minds her children? Taking care of a disabled child is a full time job. She is passing it on to some one else. What a hypocrite.

  6. Obviously, that issue will be discussed a lot in the coming weeks.

  7. Gary, I've been wondering something these last few days. You list her being "pro-life" as a plus, and you wrote a blog that thoroughly explained your views on the issue, and you consider yourself to be pro-life as well. What was interesting was that I recall not really disagreeing with you, even though if I have to label myself, I go with pro-choice.

    What I wonder is, do you think that it would be a good thing to overturn Roe V. Wade in this country? If not, doesn't it slightly worry you that these people might just be responsible for doing that?

    Personally, I think that the Republicans are smart enough not to appoint justices who are bound and determined to overturn it, but part of me does worry.

    It seems to me that a lot of these "conservatives" want to make abortion illegal AND then teach abstinence only in the public schools. To me, that seems to be a recipe for disaster - something that I feel will actually make the abortion rate go UP in this country - and thusly there will also be more dead mothers who die as a result of a botched abortion. Either that or we'll have a bunch of young, unwed and unfit mothers. (I realize that I'm generalizing and that there are plenty of productive people who are the result of a young, unwed mother - but they seem to be the exception.)

    Oh, and the fact that it just came out that Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant seems to help my point. (Luckily for her, she has a family that will no doubt act as a positive support system.)

    I mean, doesn't it strike you as odd that the more conservative (and religious) an area is, the higher the teen birth rate is? Isn't it also interesting that the abortion rate has been going down. (No doubt due to easy access to birth control - but with the rise of abstinence only programs, the teen pregnancy rate has taken a slight uptick - hopefully that can be curbed before the abortion rate goes up as well.)

    I once wrote a blog entry on why I don't call myself a liberal. (You commented on that one - although I doubt you remember.) People like this remind me of why I don't call myself a conservative either. Seems to me that they want to send us right back to the Dark Ages. (And notice that I didn't even mention creationism - whoops! I just did!)

  8. Oh, and apparently Sarah Palin thinks that the "under God" in the pledge of allegiance was there for the founding fathers.

    Ugh. NO WAY will I vote for this woman or anybody who'd pick her for a running mate.

    Again, I can handle somebody who's religious. I just hate this whole revisionist history that certain "conservatives" have created about this country. Were some of the founding fathers Christian? Absolutely! Were some of them (especially Thomas Jefferson, who wrote some sort of important document, I believe) total secularists? Yes!

    Why is it "conservative" to ignore facts and believe that the founding fathers were all evengelical time travelers? Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!

    And yet again, I'm considering actually voting for Obama now.

  9. Lance,

    You throw a lot out there, and I am not up on your stats about illegitimate birth rates vis a vis "religious areas" and all that.

    You are correct that the Republicans have avoided appoining judges who are open about wanting to overturn Roe v Wade. The dems of course support it down the line.

    To answer your question about my position, obviously over turning Roe v Wade will stir up social upheaval and increase the back alley abortions. The genie is out of the bottle.

    My feeling is this: Setting aside the cases of rape, incest and the health of the mother-and I mean truly the health of the mother (eg life threatening circumstances), I am against abortion. And when it comes to partial birth abortion and allowing a baby to expire that comes out of an abortion procedure alive, I think those are atrocities.

    Certainly there are many practical reasons to support abortion rights. When it comes to moral reasons, that is a different story.

  10. I agree that those things are immoral. However, just because I think that something is immoral, that doesn't mean that I think that making it illegal is going to stop it.

    The only thing that will prevent abortions is education and a changing of hearts and minds. You can't legislate that.

  11. Gary, it always gets up my dander when people are against abortion except in case of rape or incest. This is so horribly wrong. Why is a child conceived that way any less valuable than any other child? What blame is there on the child. This is not Christian and it is selective. Either you are for abortion or you are against it. Partial term abortion is horrible and I don't understand the reasons for it, but as I said before, any man who ever had unprotected sex should abstain from judgement. I think that includes most men I know. And none of the women I know who did have abortions did it lightheartedly, most of them carry this sad experience with them for the rest of their lives. I doubt that the almost fathers do.

  12. Lance/Ingrid,

    I agree with both of your comments. I just don't know how to resolve the rape/incest issue.
