Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ted Kennedy

Today, it is being reported that Senator Ted Kennedy is suffering from a brain tumor. While I have been a big critic of Senator Kennedy over the years, at this time, I can only wish him well and a speedy recovery.

I think it is also important at this time that we, as conservatives, set a higher example than some of those on the far-left who have expressed joy and satisfaction over the health problems or deaths of certain conservative figures. I specifically remember the folks who talked about President Reagan burning in Hell upon his passing, as well as expressions of hate on websites such as MoveOn.org, Huffington Post and Daily Kos directed toward Tony Snow when he came down with cancer.

We are better than that.

This is simply an issue of human decency and compassion for a man who is now gravely ill. We should all be praying for Senator Kennedy and his family.


  1. I specifically remember the folks who talked about President Reagan burning in Hell upon his passing, as well as expressions of hate on websites such as MoveOn.org, Huffington Post and Daily Kos directed toward Tony Snow when he came down with cancer.

    Gary, did you actually read these things, or are you just parroting O'Reilly? From what I understand, it was the rantings of a few random people who were posting to an open forum - not the actual owners of the site. Which is ridiculous because you can find the exact same kind of thing on various conservative blogs and websites. (Shoot, do you actually see some of the blogs from some of the conservatives that post to your site - YIKES!)

    We are better than that.

    Perhaps you, personally, are, but I think that if we did a personal, low-class attack contest, the conservatives would have it in spades. Or need I mention Limbaugh's absolutely shameful mocking of Michael J. Fox? (How dare a guy want a cure for his debilitating illness!) Or, you know, EVERYTHING that comes out of Ann Coulter's mouth? Oh yeah, and then there's Ben "lightning in a mud puddle" Stein's comparisons with people who accept evolution to the perpetrators of the Holocaust.

  2. I read them directly from the sources who were writing them or saying them publicly. The above 3 blogs are notorious for vicious postings. Now, of course, any blog can get a vicious post, but wouldn't a responsible blog reject it? The big ones have employees to do things like that. The Huffington Post is notorious for leaving these kinds of posts up for a few hours, then removing them.

    I also have gotton some intemporate messages, which if I object, I respond to it. I also admit that some of the blogs I contribute to make intemporate comments. As for myself, I am always comfortable with what I say and always sign my name.

    By the way, Ann Coulter is speaking here tomorrow night at UCI. I will go and see how much free speech really exists at UCI.

  3. Well, just as the one guy who commented on your blog stated regarding Keith Olbermann, if she's allowed to speak, then that proves that we have free speech!

    No doubt though that you are aware that Bill O'Reilly's site has people posting death threats to Hillary Clinton, right? I personally don't blame O'Reilly for the whackjobs who post on his site, but I think that he's got a skewed view when it comes to what he said about the Huffington Post, etc.

  4. I am not aware of the death threat deal. O'Reilly does seem to have it in for Huffington. Obviously, OReilly, like Olbermann, has made enemies along life's path.
