Monday, April 14, 2008

Shootout at the Democrat Corral

The Clintons and the Obamas at the Democrat Corral

"Somebody needs to win this here shootout before the Republican Attack Machine comes smokin' into town."

This week, Obama and Clinton are continuing their mutually-destructive attacks against each other-as Obama's "crazy uncle/pastor" continues his rants. Unbelievably, Jeremiah Wright used the occasion of giving a eulogy in Chicago to rage against Fox News, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. Some eulogy! Sure glad it wasn't my funeral! Every time, this guy steps back in the public spotlight, Hillary wins. This guy could single-handedly keep Obama from the White House-and that's not satire. It's a fact.

Meanwhile, Obama digs himself deeper trying to explain his comments about small-town Pennsylvanians before a group of supporters in a San Francisco mansion. Now he is back in Pa. referring to Clinton as "Annie Oakley" for trying to impress Pennsylvanians with her stories of shooting ducks or squirrels-or some varmints, an obvious appeal to those "gun-toters".

On the other side, "Scranton-native" Hillary, for her part, is calling Obama an "elitist". Likely true, but strange coming from Hillary-she of the 109 million dollars! She even showed up in a local Midwestern tavern throwin' down whiskey with Schlitz beer chasers in the company of the "local yokals" as Obama might call them. (Some say she was actually drinking Crown Royal with a Heineken chaser. Who knows?)

Of course, both candidates appeared at Messiah College for a "Compassion Forum", in which they articulated their faith. Hillary meandered around verbally about her "moments of grace", while Obama again tried to downplay the issue of Rev Wright. I fell asleep watching Hillary, then woke up while Obama was speaking. He put me back to sleep.

Is it just me, or is Obama losing his verbal touch? It seems that, without a prepared script, he is really stumbling answering questions-especially now that he is having to explain uncomfortable issues. Hey news media! How about some questions about Tony Rezko? Obama's name reportedly came up in Monday's trial proceedings. This concerned an April 3, 2004 reception held at Rezko's house in honor of shady Iraqi-born wheeler-dealer, Nadhmi Auchi. Apparently, Obama was there too. Obama has denied meeting Auchi though he remembers attending the reception and meeting many people. Keep that name in mind; Nadhmi Auchi. Hopefully, the news media will look into that relationship as well. And while we are on the subject, how about somebody besides Fox News asking about Obama's relationship with William Ayres?

At any rate, it seems (hopefully to this observer) that whoever prevails in the Democratic Primary will be so wounded as to be unelectable in the general election.

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