Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Contemplating a Long Career

It is the year 2030. Bill O'Reilly, now retired, sits in his trophy room with all his Keith Olbermann "Worst Person in the World" awards.


  1. He deserves about half of them at least though! At least two or three for the bogus "War on Christmas" brouhaha.

  2. Au contraire mon ami,

    There is indeed a war by some to eliminate Christmas and Christianity from our culture.

    But wait- we have already had this discussion. Let's don't beat it to death again.

  3. Not to beat it to death, Gary, but come on. You are aware that many of O'Reilly's "examples" of the War on Christmas turned out to not even be true, right?

    God, my wife's cousin refused to go to a restaraunt anymore because the waitress wished him "Happy Holidays" when he left. That's just asinine.

    War? How about minor skirmishing?

    Besides, don't you think that consumerism destroyed Christmas long ago? A Christian friend of mine put it best when he said that he didn't even care if Best Buy employees were "required" to say "Happy Holidays." He said, "Best Buy isn't where I go to confirm my faith."

  4. Well, I might agree that it's silly to worry about who says Merry Christmas and who says Happy Holidays, but there are many examples, which I have already mentioned to show that there is a segment of our population that want to make this a secular country a la Europe.

    O'Reilly certainly has his faults, but I applaud it when he exposes liberal judges and legislators who refuse to take measures against child molesters, the bias of the mainstream media, as well as the unwillingness of political leaders to do anything about the illegal alien issue-even when they commit crimes.

  5. Well, sure. That's why I agree that Olbermann's criticisms of him are pretty tired and over-the-top.

  6. Absolutely. One wonders what O'Reilly ever did to Olbermann to merit this kind of hatred.

    On a similar note, isn't it unseemly to watch all the networks bad-mouthing each other and their commentators?

  7. Yup - one more reason why I don't watch it!

    Honestly, I think that Olbermann goes after O'Reilly because it brings attention to him and his show. O'Reilly has his targets, and it's poetic justice that he's become a target! (At least, that's the way I see it.)
