Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tale of Two Rallies- LA-Boston

"Hey Deval,anybody ever tell you you look like Osama?"

This past weekend, I had the "opportunity" to watch two rallies on TV. One was a rally in East LA for Hillary Clinton. What was so striking about this one was that on the stage with her was virtually every rotten politician that has run California into the mud in recent years. There was LA Mayor, Tony Villaraigosa (her national campaign co-chair) fresh off his revealed love affair with Telemundo reporter, Mirthala Salinas. There was State Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, under a very dark cloud for his extravagant travels around the world on various boondoggles. There was Maxine Waters, Congresswoman from the LA area and one of the more obnoxious members of Congress. Left-wing activist Ron Dellums, former congressman and now mayor of Oakland, presiding over one of the nation's worst murder rates was there as well. State political hack Gloria Molina was there-even drawing some well-deserved boos when her name was mentioned. Worst of all, ex-governor Gray Davis was there. This was the guy who was recalled by voters a few years back after he nearly bankrupted the state with his liberal, out of control spending. (Of course, now Governor Schwarzenegger is carrying on the grand tradition.)

Then there was Hillary, who gave a long "stemwinder" promising everything from free government cheese to a cure for restless leg syndrome. She was at her oratorical worst, loud and shrill-but the crowd loved it.

Meanwhile, back in Boston, Teddy Kennedy, "fresh" from his trip to the West Coast, presided over a campaign rally for Barack Obama. His speech began at 11pm (and you know what that means.) Yes, Teddy was pretty much feeling no pain as he rambled on about his trip out west. What was really cool was how he kept referring to Obama as Deval Patrick (the African-American governor of Massachusetts), who was also on stage. I counted at least 3 times Kennedy used Patrick's name in referring to Obama. In the crowd behind Kennedy were 3 or 4 black guys who cracked up every time he did that. At least he didn't call him Osama bin Laden.

In the case of the LA rally, one would have thought that any sensible voter would have taken one look at the rogue's gallery on stage with Clinton and gone straight out to vote for Obama. Not a chance. Hillary carried California comfortably, which pretty much shows you in whose hands this state lies.

In the case of Massachusetts, the endorsements of Kennedy, Patrick and John Kerry were not enough to give the state to Obama. But hey, when you have a drunk leading your pep rally, you can't expect great results.


  1. Spare points: Ron Dellums is a Marine (ret.) and former Chairman of the US House Arms Service Committee. Thirdly, Ron Dellums entered the job of mayor in 2007. In 2006, Under Current CA Attorney General, Oakland had 148 homicides. In Dellums first year, he saw a 15% decline.

  2. Glad I was not at either of those rallies. When drunk Teddy gets on a roll, it can last forever. Maybe it just seems that way, trying to understand his slurring speech.

    It's getting interesting since Hillary is out of money. Her staff are working for no pay and she put 5 million of her own money in last month. Not looking good.

    Debbie Hamilton
    Right Truth

  3. Not so fast Mr Anonymous.

    Ron Dellums (who is a socialist) is not a retired Marine. He served 1954-1956 in the Marine Corps. As a veteran, I will respect that part of his bio- but he is not retired.

    In 1971, in his first term in Congress, he held hearings into "American military atrocities in Viet Nam".

    He is also on record as having supported Fidel Castro's Cuban military involvement in Angola. Dellums has been known as a Castro admirer.

    He was also a supporter of Maurice Bishop of Grenada (whom he visited there) up until the American invasion of that island. Subsequent to the invasion of Grenada, members of his staff went to Cuba and transmitted anti-American broadcasts over Radio Havana.

    If your 15% decline in the Oakland murder rate is accurate, that would mean that there were 126 murders in Dellums first year. Great.

    I think I will stand by my description of Ron Dellums, Mr anonymous.
