Friday, August 10, 2007

Execution Murder of Three-Illegal Alien Charged-When Will it End?

Dear Senators Lautenberg and Menendez,

Congratulations. Thanks to your open borders policies, three of your citizens in Newark are now dead. As of this posting, a 28 year old illegal alien from Peru, Jose Carranza, is charged with the execution-style slaying of three American teenagers on a playground in Newark, NJ. According to accounts, the victims were forced to kneel and were shot in the back of the head. Worse yet, this suspect was already out on bail on sexual assault charges involving a minor. Question: Why was this bum in the US to begin with? Answer: Because our elected officials refuse to control who enters this country, refuse to control our borders, and refuse to scoop up the criminal element among our illegal aliens for deportation. So, as a result, we now witness another outrage that our leaders could have prevented.

How interesting it is to watch the TV news conferences coming out of Newark and to listen to the words of the DA and the Mayor. Is this the same District Attorney's Office that failed to keep this person off the streets in the first place? Did they fight hard enough to keep him behind bars as a danger to society, given the nature of the initial crime-or his potential as a flight risk given that he was an illegal alien? What about the Mayor, who runs a "santuary city"? Do these people bear some responsibility for what happened? I hope the families of the victims and the residents of Newark are asking some hard questions today.

This is not the first time. It seems every week, Fox's Bill O'Reilly reports on another story involving crimes being committed by illegal aliens, who, in many cases, had already previously come into contact with the criminal justice system. Yet, these known criminals are not being turned over to immigration offcials by local authorities. In addition, many US cities, like Newark, have proclaimed themselves "sanctuary cities", which will not turn over illegal aliens to ICE. As a result, as these criminal aliens walk through the revolving door of our justice system, just like their American counterparts, they are walking the streets among us and committing more crimes. So now, we have three dead youngsters in Newark, a dead girl in Washington state, where a Thai national, Terapon Adhahn, 42, with previous sex convictions, is charged. Then there is the Liberian national, Mahamu Kanneh, 23, of Gaithersburg, Md, whose charges of sexual abuse and rape against a 7-year-old minor were dropped because the court could not find an interpreter for him (even though he was educated in American schools, speaks English, and comes from a country where English is the official language). All this in the past month. To be accurate, the latter two cases involve foreigners apparently in the US legally, but why was the Thai allowed to remain after his first conviction? Legal or illegal, once an alien commits a crime and is convicted, then, when the sentence is finished, there is no justification for allowing that person to remain in the US. Or am I just crazy?

Another question: Why do we have to turn on O'Reilly at Fox News to hear about these outrages? Answer: Because the liberal, mainstream news media tries to bury them, that's why. Stories like this don't fit into their open borders agenda. It is amazing how many people I talk to-people who are educated and consider themselves well-informed- who never have heard these stories until they get them from me. These are the same people who read their newspapers or watch "Perky" Katie Couric and the CBS Evening Blues. They would rather get their daily dose of Bush-bashing than be informed about the chaos that is our city streets, already polluted by our own home-grown predators and now supplemented by the World's criminal element.

The other issue that rankles me is the constant series of cases involving sexual predators (American or otherwise) where some lenient judge lets off a child rapist with probation or a few months in jail-only to see the same offender get out and commit similar crimes. Again, one has to turn on O'Reilly to even learn about these outrages. It seems that in Vermont, sex crimes against children aren't even on the books. What kind of country refuses to protect its children against these monsters?

Now that I've presented the problem, let me offer some solutions. First, every state that has not yet done so, needs to pass a version of Jessica's Law. If you don't know what Jessica's Law is, you need to look it up. To date, 42 states have such legislation. In short, this law would keep child predators locked up.

Second, the Federal Government needs to advise these sanctuary cities, that unless they cooperate with the Feds when it comes to criminal illegal aliens, they will lose federal funding-for everything.

Third-and this is for the voters. You need to know who your judges are and what they are doing on the bench. In this, O'Reilly is performing a public service. (Of course, the liberals hate him for it.) In the case of appointed judges, you need to know that elections have serious consequences when it comes to who gets appointed on the bench. The Supreme Court, the Appellate courts and Federal Courts are prime examples. Liberal politicians put liberal judges on the bench. Liberal judges put criminals back on the streets.

Finally, let your elected representatives know in writing how you feel about their dereliction of duty. The above address to Senators Lautenberg and Menendez is not just some rhetorical gimmick on my part. It is what I said to them in an email today.

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