Monday, July 9, 2007

Just a Few Questions

Of all the articles I have written on lately, I have a few questions remaining.

For Duke University: What has happened to the 88 professors who issued a public statement condemning the 3 accused lacrosse players prior to any trial and prior to their exoneration? Have they apologized? Have they been reprimanded in any way?

For LA Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa and LA City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo: Why have you both not resigned?

For Telemundo: Why place your reporter, Mirthala Salinas, on leave now? Why didn't you do it when you learned months ago that she was having an affair with Villaraigosa while she was covering him? Also, what broadcasting advantages did Telemundo gain from this relationship?

For the LA Times: How did you let your smaller competitor, the Daily News, beat you out of this story? Was it because you knew but chose not to report it?

For LA's other mainstream news outlets: Same question.

For LA's Spanish-language media: Same question.

For Bill and Hillary Clinton: Where do you get the chutzpah to criticize Bushes' commutation of Scotter Libby's prison sentence in the light of Bill's questionable pardons of fugitive, Marc Rich, drug dealers whose families gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hillary's brother, and the Hasidic Jews of New York, embezzlers whose community voted almost 100% for Hillary in her Senate campaign (among others)?

For John Conyers, who wants to launch a congressional probe of the Libby commutation: Where were you when Bill issued all those pardons?

For President Bush: After the Libby commutation, how about a similar commutation for Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean?

For Trent Lott and Lindsey Graham: Who is going to vote for your reelection after your efforts to push the Immigration amnesty bill?

For John McCain: Same question plus your presidential hopes.

For John Edwards: Which America do you live in?

Finally, for all the Muslims and their US supporters who want to see the destruction of Israel. What do you say after seeing all those Palestinians fleeing to the Israel border to escape the killing in Gaza?

Just a few lingering questions.

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