Monday, July 23, 2007

Am I a Fascist/Racist?

Let me give myself a quiz. I'll ask the questions, and you tell me the answer.

I believe that we should defend ourselves against Islamic terrorism, so that we don't suffer any more 9-11s. Am I a fascist/racist?

I want our military to achieve victory in Iraq and Afghanistan and leave behind two responsible nations that will not be a threat to us or the rest of the world. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that most Muslims want to live in peace, but that there is a sizeable fraction that want to force Islam upon the world by any means necessary, and that they must be confronted and defeated. Am I a fascist/racist?

I am trying to believe that true Islam is a religion of peace, but after having read the Qu'ran and the life story of Mohammed, as well as following the current events of the day around the world and the words of Islamic religious leaders, I am losing the battle. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that the UK needs to round up and deport radical Muslims who are preaching Jihad and hatred in that country. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe the same for our own country. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that we will eventually have to go war against Iran unless the people of that nation overthrow their government. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that Israel has the right to exist and defend itself. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that the Palestinian people, while probably having legitimite grievances, have bought into the idea of terrorism, that most are anti-American, and that they are hurting their own cause. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe in legal immigration into the US, but I am opposed to illegal immigration-and immigration for those who refuse to assimilate and who bring hatred with them for others. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that every nation has the sovereign right and the duty to control its borders. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe in equal rights and opportunity for every human being, but I oppose things like quotas, affirmative action and special consideration for certain ethnic groups. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe in the ability of every person in the United States to make the most of their life without the guidance of the government. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that other ethnic groups should be treated as equal responsible people, not as handicapped victimized children who need a helping hand. Am I a fascist/racist?

I admire black conservatives more than any other group in our country because they have the moral and intellectual courage to confront the Jesse Jacksons, Al Sharptons and Louis Farrakhans of the world at the risk of being called 'Uncle Toms". Am I a fascist/racist?

Rather than depend on the government to guide me through life and take care of me, I want the government to leave me alone. Am I a fascist/racist?

While I am willing to pay taxes to the government to protect me from crime and invasion, I am not willing to pay taxes to the government to take care of those that are able to take care of themselves but don't. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that Socialism is wrong for America. Am I a fascist/racist?

I accept that minorities and women in America were subjected in the past to serious discrimination, but I believe that America today has progressed beyond that, and that all can achieve according to their own ability and determination. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that all individuals should be held accountable for their actions, especially those who break the law. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that the human fetus is a human life and should not be aborted. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that, while we should have freedom of religion (which we do), that Christianity should not be cast aside from American life as it has in Europe. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that in America, we are sexualizing our children and not dealing harshly enough with sexual predators. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that people who sell and otherwise traffick in illegal drugs are criminals and belong in jail. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that our universities have become bastions of left-wing radical ideology that is anti-American in nature. Am I a fascist/racist?

More specifically, I believe that many American universities are seeing an upsurge in anti-Semitic activity carried out by Muslim student groups, their sponsored speakers and some professors, and that this must be exposed to the public. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that the Democratic Party has been taken over by far-left interests that are against America's best interests. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that the mainstream news media is under the control of the left and is trying to force its agenda on the American public under the guise of reporting. Am I a fascist/racist?

I believe that America, in spite of its shortcomings, is the greatest country on earth.

Am I a fascist/racist?

1 comment:

  1. Actually, you are very reasonable.

    I linked your blog to my site a while back. I think it's really awesome to have professors being supportive of America, Israel and the West on campus.

    Many professors have sent me e-mails expressing their support but don't feel comfortable being vocal. I understand their concerns.

    It's similar for students who fear retaliation.

    Many thanks for your continuous support.
