Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Sweden: Anti-Semitism Within the Social Democrats: Jamal El-Haj

Hat tip Ledarsidorna and Gates of Vienna.

Jamal El-Haj
-Jerusalem Post

The conservative Swedish site, Ledarsidorna, has posted an article about a Social Democrat politician, Jamal El-Haj of Malmo, and his connections to pro-Hamas activities in Sweden.

The Ledarsidorna article is translated by Fousesquawk.

El Haj makes the "S" Visible in Malmo's DNA.

Caption: (Sign) "Jew swine"

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Parliamentary member Jamal El Haj (Social Democrat) has received extensive criticism for his participation in the Palestinian conference that was held this weekend in Malmo. But El Haj's engagement and presence in radical groups have not gone unnoticed for some time.  On the contrary, this presence is a prerequisite for his Parliamentary mandate, previous investigations show.

Social Democrat Parliamentary member Jamal El Haj (Social Democrat) has received extensive criticism for his participation in the Palestinian conference that was held this weekend in Malmo. A conference that Ledarsidorna was the first to reveal with this connection to Hamas. El Haj refuses to be interviewed and consequently refers to his Facebook page where he goes into a longer explanation.

"For the majority of the Palestinian people in the diaspora, every Palestinian's involvement, whether political or idealistic, is an important marker of the people's liberation struggle".

"Attempts to link me to Hamas on the grounds of my participation in what I experienced as a giant folks festival, I consider to be guilt-by-assoctaion." 

Further, during the weekend, he "put the rose on the shelf" (Social Democrats' party symbol, coincidentally.)

This explanation is rejected by several highly-placed Social Democrats that Aftonbladet spoke to. They are all of the view that it is impossible to differentiate between the Parliamentary mandate for the Social Democrat party and what was expressed by Jamal El-Haj at the European Palestinian conference.

"You can't 'put the rose on the shelf' for a while and then take up the (work) for the Social Democrats again afterward. If the party doesn't do something now, it will send a signal to other members that we can put other interests before the party's. This is unacceptable," says one source.

That Jamal El-Haj participated and spoke is also seen by one leading Social Democrat as a blow against the party's work against anti-Semitism in Malmo, where the Social Democrats have been drawn into the problem with anti-Semitism for a long time.

"The advice is given for good reason. This is so f------ sad, " the person says.

Expressen gives a picture of El Haj's political career, but it is far from comprehensive rather is limited to his involvement in Parliament and his time at IF Metal.

In Malmo's anti-Semitic cluster

El Haj has his voter base in Malmo, and as a Social Democrat Palestinian exile, he is placed in a clearly anti-Semitic cluster that has a long tradition of being within radical circles. When El Haj took his place in the Parliament, his views on the Israel-Palestinian conflict were widely known.

That Israel is an "apartheid state" that carries out "ethnic cleansing" and the creation of the Israeli state is a "continuous assault against Palestinians."

"For many of the world's over 10 million Palestinians, the creation and history of the Israeli state is experienced as an ongoing, continuous assault against Palestinians," Jamal El Haj writes among other things in his Parliamentary motion.

El Haj is apparently the only adult Palestinian to perform at a demonstration under a Hamas flag without knowing what it looks like, which Världen Idag (The World Today) was first to report in 2018.

El Haj can be said to symbolize the conflict that comes up with members who have double identities or dual citizenship. These identities or special interests end up resulting in a risk for one and an opportunity for the other.

Hamas, according to its own charter, wants to finish what Hitler began, which is widely known. The Holocaust. Genocide. And this is not just in Israel. A Hamas follower represents the same threat to a Jew regardless of where in the world he or she is, according to its own charter (bylaws).

Jamal El Haj (got into) the Parliament through his network, In the Parliamentary election of 2022, El Haj got 5.97% of the votes cast as personal votes. A comparatively high number.

Jamal El Haj's trust is made possible through his presence in demonstrations that express radical views and anti-Semitic delusions. In addition, El Haj has gained the party's trust by sitting as a substitute in the Foreign Affairs Committee and thereby being given a platform to protect the interest of his network.

Through his position on the Foreign Affairs Committee, El Haj has access to extensive classified information as to Sweden's foreign policy decisions and priorities, as well as relations with foreign powers.

Social Democrats in Malmo have anti-Semitism in their DNA

And that the entire Social Democrat party has revealed basic anti-Semitic values in the organization is witnessed by a series of other expressions.

Mohammed Adeeb, former chairman of SSU (Sweden Social Democrat Youth Association) Malmo Centrum, communicated as late as 17 August 2018 a conspiracy theory that Egypt's president, Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi, was controlled by Israel and that he was a "Zionist agent" with a "Jewish mother".

Another SSU member from Adeeb's SSU-association has spread quotes from the terror-designated Al-Aqsa-Martyrs Brigade that, "Zionism's tails destroyed Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Libya." 

Even though Adeeb's views and rhetoric have been well known and have their natural home in the Nordic Resistance Movement, he participated in the Social Democrat election in 2019 together with candidates for the EU-Parliament.

Italy: Juvenile Arrested for Islamic Terrorism Activity

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

This week, Italian police announced the arrest of a juvenile for terrorist association relating to ISIS. The boy, whose name and age are not revealed, was allegedly preparing to carry out some sort of terrorist act in support of ISIS in Italy. He is described only as an Italian citizen of foreign origin residing in the northern province of Bergamo near Milan..

The below article from Il Tempo is translated by Fousesquawk.

Bergamo: "Association for criminal purposes". Juvenile supporter of ISIS arrested

30 May 2023

A juvenile, an Italian citizen of foreign origin, residing in the province of Bergamo, has been arrested and investigated for association for terrorist purposes, training, support, and instigation of aggravated delinquency. The monitoring by Digos agents in Bergamo and Brescia and by the Extremism and Terrorism Service of the Central Directorate of Prevention Police revealed that the young person belonged to a network of ISIS supporters in various countries in Europe and America, many of whom were arrested in the past weeks. The investigations made it possible to ascertain that the boy was ready to go into action and that he was preparing an incendiary attack in the area in which he resides. In addition, the minor was found in possession of numerous materials linked to the Islamic State, among which were videos of executions and manuals relating to weapons and packaging of (bombs), which he also disseminated on the web, exhorting other youths to go into action. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

CUNY Law: Reactions Continue

Reactions are pouring into the City University of New York (CUNY) Law School after a commencement speaker chosen by the student body gave an incendiary address in which she basically checked all the boxes in expressing her hate; she attacked our country, Israel, Zionists, the NYPD, and white people. I guess the only institution she didn't attack was the New York City Fire Department. Her name is Fatima Mousa Mohammed, and she gave the address earlier this month. 

I am cross-posting the statement by the Jewish Community Relations Council in  New York.


Fousesquawk comment: While I certainly support the above statement (otherwise I wouldn't cross-post it), I feel they are letting CUNY Law off too lightly. This is the second year in a row that a student-selected speaker has used incendiary language against Israel and Jews who identify as Zionists. 

In addition, any perusal of CUNY Law's website will show that they are into what liberals like to call "social justice". They are in the business of training future lawyers who will be left-wing activists.

If you watch the whole sickening speech on video, you will note that her speech was met with repeated applause, not only by the student audience but by the university officials seated on the stage as well. They clearly had no problem with the speech. Then,  like the cowards they are, they first took down the video from YouTube before putting it back up under pressure from the campus left. Their website merely reports the event and lists Mohammed as one of the speakers. No condemnation, no apology. Nothing. 

As stated above, Mohammed's remarks were offensive in many areas, but true to form, it was pro-Palestinian activism that figured prominently in her speech. This was just the latest example of how our campuses have literally been taken over not only by the far left but by anti-Jewish forces posing as human rights activists.  They are nothing of the sort. They are Jew haters advocating for the destruction of the Jewish state because it is Jewish.

It is not enough to say that Jewish parents should not send their children aspiring to be lawyers to a law school such as this. I am not Jewish, and I would never send my kids to CUNY Law School. Unfortunately, CUNY is not the only one in the country like this. There is UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, and Stanford just to name a few that I have written about in the past.

Mohammed, naturally, is entitled to spout her venom because of the First Amendment, which I support. Nobody is arguing that she should be arrested or denied her diploma. At the same time, those who are objecting (like me) have a right to express our opinions and condemn what she said. I also condemn the CUNY Law School for producing future lawyers like Mohammed. People who yell about a "revolution" in the freest country in the world have no concept of our country or of the law.

Monday, May 29, 2023


The City University of New York Law School held its commencement exercises this month. It was hardly surprising when one of its graduates and a soon-to-be lawyer made an ass out of herself and revealed what CUNY Law is all about. The school prides itself on its social activism, apparently, so it came as no sock when they chose Fatima Mousa Mohammed to be a speaker. Mohammad proceeded to trash everything our country stands for in her speech. It was all there. She railed against America, Israel, the NYPD, "white supremacy", on and on. And the crowd and the staff on stage loved it.

The whole obscene speech can be viewed in the second link above by BizPac Review.

Viewer warning.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Two Names on a Wall (2023)

Image result for vietnam memorial

"Forever young"

As I do every Memorial Day, I am reposting my 2007 post, "Two Names on the Wall'. It concerns two of my high school friends who died in Vietnam. Also note the reader comment left by Frank, who was serving in combat when one of these heroes gave his life for his country and for his buddies.

Two Names on the Wall

Dorian Jan Houser (1946-1967)
Michael G Vinassa (1946-1966)

The recent news that someone had defaced the Viet Nam War Memorial in Washington served to bring back my memories of two of my childhood friends whose names appear on that wall. Mike Vinassa and Dorian Houser were both from west Los Angeles, where I also grew up. We belonged to the same high school social club. All three of us entered military service after high school. I was assigned to Germany; they were sent to Viet Nam. I returned and went on with the rest of my life. They died in Viet Nam. Forty years later, with our country once again at war and American soldiers sacrificing their lives for America, we should also remember those that gave their lives in Viet Nam.


I first knew Dorian in the 1950s. He and his brother, Lee, played on my little league team. Their father was our coach. Later, my relationship with Dory continued in school. In high school, we both belonged to a club called the Chancellors of Venice. As was common in west LA, there were many (off-campus) clubs formed for social purposes. We all had our club jackets, with the name of the club and locale (Venice or WLA) embroidered on the back. The colors of the clubs varied (ours was green). As we ended our high school days, these clubs disbanded as we went our separate ways-off to college, work or military service. In Dory's case, he entered the Marines in 1966, and after training, was sent to Viet Nam. On May 10, 1967, one month before his 21st birthday, he was killed in Quang Tin. He was hit in the chest by shrapnel and killed instantly.

I happened to be home on leave from Germany when we got the news that Dory was dead. I was able to attend his funeral before returning back to Germany. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it after all these years, but I chose not to wear my uniform to the funeral, simply because I was afraid his family might react emotionally to it. I have always regretted that decision.

Dory was the kind of guy that no one could dislike. He was friendly and unassuming. Needless to say, his funeral was a sad and emotional event. In the last couple of years, I have visited his grave a couple of times since my mother-in-law is interred in the same cemetery. About a year ago, I came across a posting about Dory by his sister. She described her brother and was looking for anyone who knew Dory and remembered him. I answered her post, but the email is no longer valid. As yet, I have not been able to contact her.


Mike Vinassa was also a member of the Chancellors. He was a stout, barrel-chested kid with a big tattoo on his shoulder, something unusual at the time for someone so young (still in high school). Needless to say, he was tough and didn't mind a good fight. Most other kids knew not to mess with him, but among his friends, he was well-liked. I remember one night we were at a party and he wanted to (playfully) roughhouse with me. We started slap-fighting and wrestling on the front yard of the house, and (somehow) I was able to throw him to the ground and fall on top of him. As you may know, innocent roughhousing among teenagers can easily turn into a real fight, and I remember thinking that Mike might suddenly get mad, so I rolled over and let him get on top, thus letting him win the match.

After high school, I went on to complete 2 years of college before I entered the Army. I basically lost touch with Mike and Dory at that time.

I had recently arrived at my post of duty in Germany when I came across Mike's name while reading the Viet Nam obituaries in the Army Times. It wasn't until several months ago that I learned the circumstances of Mike's death, which occurred on May 22, 1966.

Mike was a member of C Co, Ist Bn, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cav Division (US Army). Ironically, Mike was a short-timer, soon to return to the US, and, on that day, assigned to non-combat duties. Yet he insisted on accompanying his unit on a final combat mission in the Vinh Thanh Valley. It was on that final mission, that Mike lost his life-under heroic conditions. He personally led a group of his comrades in charging and taking out a machine gun nest that was pinning down his unit but was fatally shot in the process. For his actions, Mike was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. His sole survivor was his mother.

In subsequent years, I have been able to find both their names on the Viet Nam Memorial. (I was living in the Washington area at the time.) As stated, I have visited Dory's grave, but as yet, have not identified Mike's cemetery. When I look back at my life after the Army, I contemplate how I finished college, began my career, got married, had children, retired, and now find myself in my 60s. But as I looked down on Dory's grave, I realized that he and Mike are frozen in time-forever 20 years old. I wonder what became of their parents, the rest of the families.

In a sense, today's soldiers are more fortunate than those who went to Viet Nam. The overwhelming majority of the American people greatly respect them (with the notable exception of the usual mindless idiots who are not worth further mention in this essay). Soldiers returning from Viet Nam were often subject to despicable treatment from those of their own generation who did everything they could to avoid military service. Once the Viet Nam War ended, the country wanted to forget about it as quickly as possible-after all, it was just a tragic period in our history. We also forgot about our Viet Nam veterans who came back alive-in so many cases, as walking wounded. They deserved so much better from us. They are still among us, and in many cases, still wounded.

All of us who lost friends or family members in Viet Nam should try to keep their memories alive and honor them. God rest their souls.

Michael G Vinassa- Panel 07E, line 104
Dorian Jan Houser- Panel 19E, line 082

Italy: Just Another Saturday Night in Milan

This is what Italy's second-largest city and the main commercial city of Milan has become. Flooded with illegal migrants, the city is now the crime capital of Italy. On Saturday night, in a crowded public square, two young men, believed to be North Africans, stabbed an 18-year-old Egyptian boy with a knife and broken bottles in full view of numerous passersby.

The below article from today's Il Giornale is translated by Fousesquawk.

Local news

Fight between North Africans in central Milan: 18-year-old stabbed in Gae Aulenti (Square)

28 May 2023-14:59

In the middle of the city, on a spring Saturday afternoon, an 18-year-old Egyptian is stabbed by two peers in the heart of Milan's nightlife.

Francesca Galici 

Milan as Gotham City or as Sin City? By now, any comparison between the city administrated by Beppe Sala and the bloodiest and most violent cinematographic examples seems to be too bland. No day passes in which the news doesn't tell of rapes, stabbings, fights, or violent robberies, which often, or almost always happen at the hands of illegal immigrants or just foreigners. And it is all so constant (that it) causes a sort of anesthetic effect, capable of attenuating any indignation or amazement even in the face of events of extreme gravity. The latest? A stabbing on a May afternoon in the central square of Gae Aulenti, in the middle of the day, steps away from Corso Como (Blvd.) and the nightlife, in the middle of families and passersby.

It was 7 pm on Saturday afternoon in Milan at the hour of full family activity. Gae Aulenti Square has become one of the centers of shopping and entertainment in the city, and at that hour, before dinner, there are many who choose it for a stroll. Still, just yesterday, it was here that an 18-year-old Egyptian was stabbed by two peers, also North Africans. In fact, it was two other young men of North African origin, who first with punches, then with broken bottles and a knife, brought the other boy to death's door.

Transported code red to San Gerardo Hospital in Monza. after initial checks, the doctors stabilized him and now the Egyptian is reportedly not in a life-threatening condition, even if his condition remains serious. There are many witnesses who were present at the scene, among passersby and another group of young men who were probably with the two attackers. The Carabinieri of the Duomo Company who intervened after receiving the alarm, arrived a few minutes later, quickly finding the knife used to carry out the attack, but now the hunt for the two young men has begun. Besides listening to the statements of those who were present during the violent attack, the (Carabinieri) are scanning the surveillance camera videos in the area to try to locate and identify the two young men who perpetrated the injury.

The Big Debt Ceiling Deal


"Good news, mein Fuehrer. The Reichstag has agreed on a debt limit ceiling."

Saturday, May 27, 2023

How to Make Bud Light Taste Good

 Here is how you can make a can of Bud Light actually taste pretty good.

Step one: Buy yourself a can of Bud Light, preferably one with Dylan Mulvaney's face on it. The smaller the size, the better.

Step two: Purchase a barrel of any German beer. Preferably the largest size possible.

Step three: Open the barrel of German beer at the top.

Step four: Pour the can of Bud Light into the barrel of German beer.

Step five: Stir thoroughly for about 30-40 minutes.

Step six: Pour and enjoy.

(You may detect a slight watery aftertaste. If so, next time use only 1/2 can of Bud Light.)

Friday, May 26, 2023

Belgium Swaps Iranian Terrorist (and Diplomat) to Iran for Belgian Humanitarian Worker

A few months ago, Belgium urged its citizens who were in Iran to leave the country since they were vulnerable to arbitrary arrest by the Iranian regime. This came after a Belgian humanitarian worker, Olivier Vandecasteele, was sentenced to 28 years in prison on obscure (and probably trump-up) charges. It was just the latest example of how the mullah-regime practices hostage diplomacy. The Islamic Republic of Iran was founded on hostage diplomacy when they held US diplomats hostage for over a year following the Iranian revolution.

Now Belgium has done what we all knew they would do. (I mean if Obama and Biden can do it, the Belgians can do it too.) So now, in exchange for an unjustly imprisoned humanitarian worker, the Belgians are sending a convicted terrorist back to Iran-no doubt to a hero's welcome. His name is Assadolah Assadi, an Iranian diplomat convicted in Belgium of helping plot an attack against an Iranian opposition organization near Paris in 2018. Imagine that-an Iranian diplomat.

It's called hostage diplomacy.

The below article from today's French-language Belgian daily, 7 sur 7, is translated by Fousesquawk.

"A black day for the rule of law": Iranian opposition denounces Assadi-Vandecasteele exchange

Caption: Rik Vanreusel (right) defends the Iranian opposition

Rik Vanreusel, the lawyer for the Iranian opposition, denounced the exchange of the Iranian diplomat Assadolah Assadi and Olivier Vandecasteele. " This is a victory for the cynical politics of power. The party can now begin in Iran," he charged on the airwaves of Radio 1 (VRT).

Editorial staff, May 26, 2023 at 19:06. Source: Radio 1

Even if the Belgian lawyer says he is happy that the humanitarian is on his way home to rejoin his family, he can only denounce the liberation of Assadolah Assadi, sentenced to 20 years in prison by Belgian justice for attempted murder and terrorism. "His dozens of victims also have rights," he said. Rik Vanreusel also claims that the government did not inform his clients of the exchange of prisoners.

"In Iran, the crowns of flowers are already prepared, the party can begin. It is a victory for the cynical politics of power, but for me, it is a somber day for the rule of law," he lamented.

To recall, Assadolah Assadi was arrested in Belgium for his role in the preparation of a terrorist attack against a meeting of the National Council of the Iranian Resistance (CNRI) in 2018 near Paris.

Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) Is an Anti-Semite

The jury has reached a verdict

There are no words to describe the disgust and contempt I feel for washed-up rocker Roger Waters, of Pink Floyd fame, after his latest stunt at a concert in Berlin in which he appeared on stage in an SS-type uniform and compared Anne Frank to Palestinian journalist who died in a cross-fire between Palestinian terrorists and the Israeli military.

For years now, Waters has used his celebrity to mount the anti-Israel soapbox. Beyond any legitimate criticism of Israel politically, Waters has said things that have led to accusations of anti-Semitism against him. He denies it, but I have to agree with those accusations. His defamation of the memory of the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust, particularly Anne Frank, is an obscenity, especially on German soil. I also object to his misappropriation of the memory of Sophie Scholl, the Munich University student who was executed by the Nazis during World War II for distributing anti-war pamphlets (The White Rose group).  

From an American legal point of view, what Waters did in Berlin would be considered freedom of expression. I get that. But in Europe, including Germany, they don't enjoy the First Amendment rights we have in America. In Germany, Nazi regalia is outlawed. Neo-Nazi groups get around that by designing symbols similar to swastikas and lightning bolts, but not the real thing. This is exactly what Waters tries to do here. Now he is under investigation by German authorities. To the extent what he did may cross the line under German law, I would support the investigation. 

This guy is an anti-Semite.

*Update: Here is how the story is being reported by the Berliner Zeitung. Translation by Fousesquawk.

Roger Waters: Police investigate because Nazi uniform

May 26, 2023-12:19

Caption: Roger Waters during his appearance in Munich on 21 May, 2023 

Is there an aftermath? The Berlin police have opened an investigation into the musician  Roger Waters. The accusation: Incitement to hate (against a group of people).

Berlin. This appearance might have an aftermath. The musician Roger Waters (79) played two concerts last week in the Mercedes Benz Arena in Berlin (17-18 May). There the co-founder of the band Pink Floyd reportedly appeared in an SS-style uniform with a red armband. He also held a machine gun in his hand and fired fake shots from it. There were also two men beside Waters, who wore helmets similar to those of Wehrmacht soldiers. This is shown in a video on Twitter. The Berliner Zeitung first reported.

Because of this appearance, the Berlin police are now investigating Waters. The accusation: Incitement to hate (against a group of people). A police spokeswoman told this editorial staff: "The Police State Security in the Berlin State Police has opened a criminal investigation into the relevant facts based on suspicion of incitement to hate (Section 140, paragraph 4 State Penal Code). The context in which the clothing worn on stage is consistent with violating the dignity of victims in approving of, glorifying, or justifying the National Socialist violent and arbitrary rule, and therefore, disturbing the public peace."  There have been tips from the public.

The Waters appearance also caused outrage in Israel. The Israeli foreign ministry accused Waters on Wednesday of "defiling the memory of Anne Frank and the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, in Berlin of all places," in the past week. 

Waters also criticized in Israel

The reason for the excitement was that during the concert, the names of people killed were shown in huge red letters: Next to the name of the Nazi era-murdered Anne Frank (1929-1945) was the name of Palestinian  Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. The reporter was killed in 2022 during an Israeli military operation in the city of Jenin in the occupied West Bank.

Waters (79) is criticized for his closeness to the BDS campaign (Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions) among other things. This calls for a boycott of the Israeli state and its properties because of actions against the Palestinians. 

At (his) concerts Waters released a balloon in the form of a pig with the Star of David. In his past appearances in Germany, there was always a pig-but without the Star of David.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Switzerland Pays Tribute to Tina Turner

I never knew that Tina Turner was living in Switzerland until she died. During the 1980s, when I was stationed in Milan with DEA, I had many occasions to work with the drug police in Zurich. So I am also familiar with Kuesnacht.

The Swiss media is covering the death of Tina Turner as a major news story. In addition, many fans have swarmed to her estate in Kuesnacht to pay tribute to Turner. She resided in that small municipality outside Zurich for 26 years. She was quite popular and respected.

As one who grew up with Tina's music, I felt compelled to cover the Swiss media reporting. I found this one from a small local newspaper (Zurich-See Zeitung) quite moving, and I thought I should translate it.

Note: In referring to Kuesnacht and Staefa, I have chosen to take the easy way and omit the umlauts. Adding an "e" to the vowel in question is also acceptable in German.

After the death of the rock star

Touching scenes play out in front of Tina Turner's villa

Dozens of fans and media representatives have gathered in front of Tina Turner's residence in Kuesnacht. Several of her admirers shed tears at the scene.

Caption: Many members of the population make their way to Château Algonquin to show their last respects to Tina Turner.

Photo: Manuela Matt

On the day after Tina Turner's death, the traffic rolls up to the property in Kuesnacht, where the singer lived for 26 years. Many of the motorists not only want to get a view of the driveway. They want to capture what is happening in front of the gate of Château Algonquin with their cell phones.

Every few minutes, fans and admirers show up in front of the huge wrought-iron gate of the villa to say goodbye to the singer and express their appreciation for her. They lay flowers in the driveway, light candles or incense sticks, and deposit cards and pieces of paper with words of farewell. Many appear thoughtful and depressed, and some cry. By 10 am, a small sea of flowers lies along the wall.

Visitors from Israel

Many visitors come from Kuesnacht itself, others are from Meilen, Oetwil, Zollikon, or Zurich-on foot by car, train, or bicycle. Among those present, there are also people from abroad. Eduard Lobez lives in Israel and is presently visiting a Swiss friend. "Her story was amazing," he says of Tina Turner's life.

Caption: Many also use the moment for a photo shoot in front of the estate of the deceased star:

Photo: Manuela Matt

The grieving fans are met by about two dozen media representatives. They have traveled from all over Switzerland and neighboring countries and, in some cases, flat-out mob the fans in the hope of eliciting some sort of statement from them. 

Guia Greaves from Meilen tells how beautiful she always felt, "knowing that Tina Turner lived here. She was a part of our area." The singer had enormous competence and power and was at the same time very modest. So it was quite normal in earlier years to be able to meet her while shopping. Greaves was especially impressed that Turner, despite bad experiences in her first marriage, never showed hate or resentment. "There are people who are inspiring. Tina Turner was one of them."

Songs give strength

Inspiration is a word that is repeated over and over this morning. Many women and men emphasize that the music, as well as the singer's life story, motivated and inspired them.

Same with Lydia Unholz from Erlenbach. In front of Tina Turner's estate, she is overcome with her feelings. "Her music accompanied me my whole life," she says in tears. In times things didn't go so well for her, the songs would give her strength. "I honor the singer as a strong woman who through her history was able to help many people."

Caption: Lots of traffic on Seestrasse (Street) and a large gathering of people. On Thursday, there is a lot of activity in front of Château Algonquin.

Photo: Manuela Matt 

Physiotherapist Zelimir Djordjevic made his way from Zurich to Kuesnacht in between two therapies in order to say goodbye to the singer. "It impresses me that despite her fame, she remained normal." Smiling, he tells how earlier, he often saw Turner eating bratwurst at the Zurich Sternen Grill. "She had no airs." 

Many of the visitors want to know when the star's funeral will take place. Like a young Ukrainian woman who came with her young daughter, "to express her respect", as she says via a translation app. Silent and with tears in her eyes, she lays a bouquet of red roses in front of the Château Algonquin.

Great loss

Many fans praise the Kuesnacht resident as a great artist, whose music they grew up with. Manuela Heyne from Oetwil agrees. "Her death is a great loss," she says. "When a song by Tina Turner comes on the radio, I always turn the volume up."

Meanwhile, someone is playing the songs of the rock legend in front of the villa in Kuesnacht. Passing motorists slow down in front of the driveway and let the sounds of the megahit, "Simply the best"  ring out from their radio.

 One topic of conversation on the day after the superstar's death is also the Christmas lights that Turner donated to the municipality of Kuesnacht in 2014. And lo and behold!. In the early afternoon, suddenly the donated Christmas wreaths are hanging on the street lamps-a visible homage to the rock queen, who found her happiness in Kuesnacht. 

"Open and Accessible"

One who met Tina Turner several times is Kuesnacht's mayor, Markus Ernst (FDP). He expressed himself similarly as to the possibly best-known resident of Kuesnacht. "I saw her as a positive, natural personality. Although she inspired millions of people with her music, she remained open and accessible."

As to the question of how the Kuesnacht municipality will deal with the fact that in the coming days and weeks, many people will probably make the pilgrimage to Kuesnacht, Markus Ernst reacts calmly. "We are naturally monitoring the situation. We want to give people the necessary space to express their sorrow. They should also be safe and the traffic should be able to flow.

At the time, however, the situation is very much similar to that on the occasion of the marriage of Tina Turner and her longtime partner, Erwin Bach, in the summer of 2013 that took place on the Kuesnacht estate directly on the lake. "There are more media representatives on the scene than fans."

On the question of whether the municipality is planning a memorial for the world-famous singer in the long term- be it a street naming, a plaque, or also a museum, he (the mayor) is reserved. "It is not up to the municipality to decide that." 

Museum in Staefa?

Christian Haltner (FDP), mayor of Staefa, has been in frequent contact with Erwin Bach in the past months after he (Bach) had purchased the Steinfels estate in the Staefa neighborhood of Uerikon. At that time, the rumor circulated in the village that a Tina Turner Museum might be built on the exclusive estate directly on the lake. Haltner doesn't want to comment on the museum question. "That is the business of Erwin Bach, and now is surely not the right point in time for this question."


My favorite song by Tina Turner was "River Deep Mountain High, which many have called the greatest rock and roll song ever recorded. I can't disagree. It combined Tina's great talent with the so-called "Wall of Sound" created by music producer Phil Spector (who ironically spent his last years in person after a murder conviction.) I thought I would close this posting with a video of that song. Enjoy.

Yes, she was simply the best.

Tim Scott and Joy Behar

This article first appeared in New English Review. 

This week, Tim Scott (R-SC) announced that he is running for the Republican nomination for president in 2024. As could have been predicted, Scott's announcement was greeted by sheer ugliness on The View. Since Scott is a black conservative and a Republican, people like Joy Behar have nothing but contempt for him. It was Behar who showed her typical ignorance and hate by comparing Scott to Clarence Thomas (in an unfavorable light since she hates Thomas as well).

In a way, we should be thankful to Behar for helping bring an important argument out into the spotlight. The issue is how black conservatives are treated by the left. It is a disgraceful aspect of today's American culture.

I have said many times and written many times that, in my opinion, black conservatives are the most intellectually stimulating people in our society. That is because it takes real courage to go against the flow and take conservative opinions. It takes real courage for people like Scott, Thomas, Shelby Steele, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, and others to state that white racism is not the biggest challenge facing black Americans today. Yes, it takes real courage because when you step forward, there will be ignorant people like Behar and her colleagues on the view who will talk about you in the ugliest of terms.

I consider Scott to be a serious senator, unlike so many who simply occupy a seat and do nothing. At the moment, my favorite for the nomination is Ron DeSantis, but Scott is right behind him. I certainly would not mind seeing an eventual DeSantis-Scott (or Scott-DeSantis) ticket. 

Now that Scott is in the race and Behar has made headlines with her typical ugly attack, this issue will be front and center. It is an issue that deserves more attention, and this may be the key to bringing it out in the open. Black conservatives deserve to have their voices heard just like anyone else, and we as conservatives (of any color) should support them. I wish Senator Scott well in his campaign, and as they say, don't let the bastards get you down.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Germany: Hamburg Police Press Release on Terror Plot Against Swedish Church

Earlier today, we posted a Swedish translation of the reported charges against two Syrian brothers in Germany who were allegedly planning to blow up a Swedish church (with people inside).

Below is a press release from the Hamburg police explaining the latest charges. The translation is by Fousesquawk.

Police-Hamburg: 230523-5. Joint press release by BKA (Federal Criminal Police), Public Prosecutor Hamburg, and Hamburg Police- Further arrest warrant after foiled bomb attack and execution of arrest warrant in Kempten.

Based on suspicion of a planned explosive attack, the State Prosecutor's Office of Hamburg yesterday, in the course of a joint investigation of the BKA and KLA (State Police) Hamburg, carried out another arrest warrant and arrested a person in Kempten.

Arrested is the 24-year-old brother of the previously-arrested 28-year-old Syrian in April 2023 in Hamburg (See press release from BKA, LKA Hamburg, and State Prosecutor's Office Hamburg on April 25, 2023.) 

There is now, according to the ongoing investigations, an urgent suspicion against the accused person, who resides in Kempton, earlier only suspected of aiding and abetting in the joint preparation of a serious endangerment of the State (Section 89c StGB) along with joint terror financing (Section 89c StGB-Criminal Code). According to the above, he is alleged to have not only encouraged his brother in his decision to commit the act (crime) and to have supported him in obtaining the necessary components for the production of explosives, but further, to have promised to carry out the attack with him. According to what is currently known, the accused persons had as their target, a church in Sweden, not further identified, in which people would have been present at the time.

The 24-year-old, who since April 25, 2023, has been in the custody of the Schwaben Police Southwest, was yesterday arrested by forces of the BKA and taken to Hamburg. The Hamburg court today executed the arrest warrant against him.

Press information provided by State Prosecutor's Office Hamburg

Please direct media questions to:

Police Hamburg

Press and Public Relations

Soeren Zimbal

Sweden/Germany: Two Syrian Brothers Charged in Germany for Planning Attack on Swedish Church

Hat tip Gates of Vienna.

Anas Kiwan, 28, -Bild

Ahmad Kiwan, 24,-Bild

This story is just breaking. Two Syrian brothers who were earlier arrested in Germany for planning to carry out a terror attack were reportedly planning to blow up a Swedish church. The below article from the Swedish news source, Aftonbladet, is translated by Fousesquawk. Note there may be discrepancies as to translation since the article is being updated.

Bothers arrested for terror plans against Swedish church

By Ebba Torstensson

Posted today 03:34. Updated less than 50 minutes ago.


The brothers Anas Kiwan, 28 and Ahmad Kiwan, 24 were arrested in Germany, suspected of having planned a terror attack, writes Bild.

The Koran burnings in Sweden earlier this year are reportedly the reason for the terror plans.

"We have been able to establish that the target was a Swedish church, but we cannot go into details as to which (church) or where it was located in Sweden," says Chief Prosecutor Oechering to TT (Swedish news). 

The two brothers, who are Syrian citizens, were arrested in Germany a month ago.

Anas Kiwan, 28, was arrested in Hamburg. In the (arrest), police found components that can be used to make an explosive device. According to the German newspaper, Welt, it was a bomb belt that would be used in the crime.

Caption: Anas Kiwan, 28

The younger brother, Ahmad Kiwan, 24, was arrested in Kempten in Bavaria. Since the arrest, the suspicions against him have been strengthened.  He was first detained Tuesday and is now suspected to be directly involved in plans to attack a Swedish church. A preliminary investigation is now underway, and it may be some time before an eventual charge is filed.

Caption Ahmad Kiwan, 24

Visited Sweden for terror planning

The German prosecutor, Liddy Oectering, will not go into which Swedish church was (the target) of the attack. "The investigators have gone through emails and chats between the brothers, (and) could see that it concerned a Swedish church. But the investigation continues. What I can say is that it appears to have something to do with the Koran burnings that took place in Sweden and which have been well-reported in German media," says Chief Prosecutor, Liddy Oechtering to TT.  

The brothers have reportedly lived in Germany for several years and have no reported criminal record. The plans for the terrorist crime may be based on an Islamist motive, but there is no concrete connection to the so-called Islamic State (IS), Welt writes. There is also suspicion against them for terror financing.

Koran burnings in Sweden

The National Center for Terror Threat Assessment reported in its assessment for the entire year on March 8 that Sweden has gone from a legitimate target to a priority target for a terror attack. Säpo (Security Police)  will not comment on whether they have had contacts with German authorities. "We won't go into that. As far as our international cooperation (is concerned), we don't go into what it looks like. That is part of our operational work," says Säpos press spokesperson, Gabriel Wernstedt to TT.

Caption: File photo

Swedish Church in contact with Säpo

The Swedish Church in Sweden has contacted Säpo to learn whether any of their churches were (targeted). "We are seeking information to get as good a picture as possible as to what this is about. But we only know what is in the media," says Erika Brundin, deputy general secretary of the Swedish Church.