Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Stinging Defeat for J Street

Hat tip Legal Insurrection

This is good news. J Street, that bunch of phonies who proclaim themselves pro-Israel, but who support the Palestinians on every issue of contention, has been rejected for membership in the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations.

Why any Jewish organization that cares about Israel would admit this group-a group that marches arm in arm with those who want to drive the Israelis into the sea- is beyond me. This is welcome news.

When it Comes to Donald Sterling, UCLA Stands on Principle-But Not When it Comes to the Yakuza

The UCLA Department of Nephrology is announcing that they are returning a $3 million donation for kidney research from LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling's charitable foundation.,0,2760188.story#axzz30Q3uSB8R

Very admirable, indeed. After all, UCLA has a world- renowned medical center and has its reputation to uphold. On the other hand......

I guess it's a case of the kidney not knowing what the liver is doing.

Jay Carney's Impossible Job

Hat tip Truth Revolt

"It wasn't about Benghazi."

Here is White House spokeshole Jay Carney trying to dance around the e-mail from White House aide Ben Rhodes with Susan Rice's talking points. He is getting hammered by ABC's White House correspondent Jonathan Karl.

"It was about the threat of climate change, Jonathan."

Maybe Jay should read Josef Goebbels' diaries. He might learn how to do his job (lying) more effectively.

Day 3 of UCI Anti-Israel Fest

The Apartheid Wall is Falling-Literally!

The winds are-a-blowing in Irvine today-so hard that the apartheid wall that the Muslim Student Union worked so hard to put together over the past weekend at the Islamic Center of Orange County is falling. Yesterday, a panel blew off, and today two or three more had to be removed because of the wind. Today, the much-vaunted apartheid wall has gaps big enough for a bomb laden truck to drive through.

Above- the fallen panels stacked up like cord wood

Below is a picture of one of the surviving panels. It quotes Martin Luther King.

Martin Luther King also said, "Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism."

As mentioned previously, every day has a theme-though nobody is speaking. Today's is sexual violence. Below is a copy of the back side of the flyer they are handing out today. If you read the below statistics, it looks like Palestinian women in Gaza are in rather dire straits when it comes from abuse. That cannot come from Israeli men because there are no Israeli men in Gaza.

Yet, the card conveniently blames the Israelis because of those darn border controls. The women in Gaza, abused by their Gazan menfolk, can't go to shelters in the West Bank.

The card then tries to make the connection with American women and the abuse problem here.