
Friday, November 22, 2019

York University (Canada) What Happens When You Try to Have a Pro-Israel Event on Campus

Hat tip Vlad Tepes

On Wednesday, Reservists on Duty, a group of Israeli army vets appeared at York University in  Toronto. As occurs on US campuses, the result was predicatble. The thugs of the pro-Palestinian forces, including some useful stooges on the radical left, showed up to disrupt the event. Violence broke out and there were some arrests (Good!).

Vlad Tepes has video.

Has this gotton tiresome yet or what? It is long past time that North American campuses install a zero-tolerance policy. If you want to disrupt and take away the rights of others to be heard with your silly, Jew-hating tactics, expect to be arrested, prosecuted, and expelled. For those who are not citizens, they need to learn the hard way that we don't allow you to import your fascist ways from the old country into our country. Deport their asses.

This is nothing more than unbridled Jew hatred masquerading as human rights. It is time we stopped importing Jew hatred into Europe, Canada and the US.

*Update: Jerusalem Post is reporting that some protesters were chanting, "Intifada, intifada!   Back to the ovens."

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