
Friday, November 13, 2015

Jew Hatred on Display at Hunter College

Hat tip Algemeiner

Shame on Hunter College in New York City. Not only have there been chants of "Long live the intifafa" and "Zionists out of CUNY', but the university can't even bring itself to own up to the Jew hatred that has shown its ugly face yet again.

"I am cautioning you and strongly urging that you have [CUNY Chancellor James B.] Milliken make a statement of condemnation of this virulent anti-Semitism. The blanket, meaningless omnibus statement about “free speech” is itself abhorrent, as we would not tolerate these activities against any other ethnic or minority group.
Failure to do so will have economic consequences for several of our schools’ foundations. I have received many angry e-mails, which I would be pleased to share with you. If these “pareve” responses from CUNY central continue, we must all remember that by far and away – that Zionists pay the bills in the donor category – and they’ll take a hike."
Once again, Students for Justice in Palestine has shown its brown shirt tactics. 
If universities don't start cracking down on this, somebody is going to wind up dead on some campus.  This is not free speech, this is an incitement to violence. It is an incitement against Jews.
And to those misguided Jews who actually participate in this, it is time you start waking up and separating yourself from these agitators.

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