
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Sweden's Suicide Pact

Hat tip Jihad i Malmö,and Fjordman

"What's in your will?"

The Norwegian blogger Fjordman has posted an article in the Swedish blog, Jihad i Malmö, It concerns  Sweden's disastrous immigration situation and the implications it has with the country's Nordic neighbors.

Translation of Swedish heading

Årets första inlägg blir en krönika av Fjordman

Självmordspakt kallas det när två eller fler personer ingår 

en pakt att begå självmord tillsammans. Det är alltså en typ 

av kollektivt självmord, men det begreppet förknippas främst 

med större grupper av personer som begår självmord, 

ofta av ideologiska, religiösa eller liknande skäl.

The year's first contribution will be a column by Fjordman.

A Suicide pact is when two or several persons enter into a pact to commit suicide together. It is thus, a kind of collective suicide, but it is principally understood to be associated with larger groups of people who commit suicide out of ideological, religious or similar reasons."

Note: Fjordman is a highly educated Norwegian blogger who was studying Arabic in Cairo when 9-11 happened. After watching the celebrations in the streets, he reconsidered his attitudes and eventually became a blogger back in Norway writing about the dangers of Islamic immigration into Europe. He has not only been subject to death threats, but threats of prosecution from his own government. After the mass murders committed in Norway by Anders Breivik, it was falsely claimed by some that Breivik was associated with Fjordman, who quickly condemned Breivik's actions.
On one occasion a couple of years back, Fjordman entered into Fousesquawk's discussion thread regarding another Islam critic, Eric Allen Bell (who has also criticized Christianity as well-leading to their disagreement).

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