
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Anjem Choudary Tweeting

Got this today from a little tweetie bird. Here is a sample of Anjem Choudary's tweets today.

@anjemchoudary: There are only two camps in the world: 1. The camp of Haq (truth) 2. The camp of Baatil (falsehood) In between is only nifaaq (hypocrisy)!

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: May Allah forgive us all for our inaction while our brothers & sisters are killed from Burma to Syria to the Central African Republic

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: Let those who do not know the facts or who believe the media lies, whether ulema or daiees fear Allah as he should be feared & verify

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: May Allah unite the hearts of the ISIS & JN etc against the oppressive Taghout regimes who continue to slaughter men women & children

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: Our dua' is with all Muslims wherever they are in the world struggling to liberate Muslim land and working to establish the Khilafah!

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: Name calling eg Takfiris, Khawarij, Wahabbis etc. against the ISIS are typical from the haters of Islam & Shari'ah in the East & West

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: Muslims must unite together under one banner of Laa Ilaaha Ilallah and stop attacking the sincere Muslims in ISIS & not be spectators

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: After controlling large areas and being on the brink of historic victories Shaytaan has increased efforts to try to stop the Khilafah

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: The choice between USA & Kufr law or ISIS & Shari'ah is blatant for those who have clear vision & haven't been affected by media lies

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: May Allah forgive us all for our inaction while our brothers & sisters are killed from Burma to Syria to the Central African Republic

@anjemchoudary: SYRIA: Muslims worldwide must support the call for Shari'ah & Khilafah in Syria & Iraq. This is the pure call of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi & ISIS


Miggie said...

Nothing to see here..... move along.

I'm sure all the responsible Muslim religious leaders, every one of them ( well, maybe one) will strongly condemn these kinds of statements .... very soon now... well, soon anyway. Maybe some day.

Chirp, chirp ( sounds of crickets chirping)

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well, he agrees with you on one important point: you both rant about media lies.