
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sharyl Attkisson of CBS in Pursuit of the Truth on Obamacare

In the mainstream news media, there are few reporters as professional and honest as as Sharyl Attkisson of CBS. She reported honestly on Operation Fast and Furious and Benghazi and reportedly had her computer hacked because of her relentless pursuit of the truth when it comes to the scandals of the Obama administration. Now she rises to the occasion again when it comes to the Affordable Health Care Act. In spite of the statements by the president and his followers, Attkissson reports that the administration long knew that millions of Americans were going to lose their health care insurance under  Obamacare.

What makes this remarkable is that it doesn't come from Fox News, talk radio, or the blogosphere. It comes from CBS, a network that generally covers for the Democratic Party.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well, there go thousands of blog posts about the biased liberal media down the drain.

Anyone who spells her name "Sharyl" is kinda suspect though.

Gary Fouse said...

Too bad there are not more like her.