
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lindsey Graham Talks With Benghazi Survivors

"They were told to be quiet."

In a perfect world, I might say that we were getting very close to justice and truth in the Benghazi issue. A US senator has located and made contact with some of the survivors of the Benghazi massacre-people who have been kept incommunicado for months from those who want to know exactly what transpired that horrible evening in Benghazi last September. They tell the US senator that they are afraid to come forward and have been told to keep their mouths shut. By whom? Well, we can assume they are all government employees probably all or most of whom employed by Hillary Clinton's (now John Kerry's) State Department.

So now it appears that the cover up is falling apart, right? All Graham has to do is bring them before Congress and have them tell their stories, right? Well, not exactly. Graham is a minority in the Senate, and it's pretty sure the Dems in the Senate aren't going to subpoena them. As Graham says, it is up to the House of Representatives to bring them in.

That means that House Speaker John Boehner is going to have to step up and give full support to people like Reps. Jason Chaffetz and Frank Wolf. It is time to start the subpoena process.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Good news mein Feuhrer. We have a hundred witnesses to the treachery of the perfidious Poles. But the Polish government in London won't schedule a hearing!