
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Jamal Badawi

I recently reported on a pro-sharia workshop held at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles by the Southern California Shura Council. One of the speakers was Jamal Badawi. Frank Gaffney's Family Security Matters has just an interesting report on Badawi. It is written by Steve Emerosn.

Badawi was also one of the recipients of the Freedom Pledge letter sent by Nonie Darwish's Former Muslims United. Darwish, who has to live under guard due to threats on her life due to her apostasy and criticism of Islam sent the letter to 100 top Muslim leaders in America asking them to sign a pledge that apostates in America should not be harmed. Badawi was a recipient. To date, he has never signed or responded to the letter.

But Jamal Badawi is a moderate.



Siarlys Jenkins said...

Good news Gary! I was at Miller Park today with my little brother watching the Chicago Cubs break a ten-game losing streak against the Brewers by winning the game 6-2.

The first half of the game was the kind of display Fousesquawk loves to skewer. In three innings, no score. The fourth inning, the Brewers got a home run. The fifth inning, the Cubs got a home run. The sixth inning, they each got a home run. The cubs fumbled some plays in the outfield, but made up for it by tagging a runner out at home plate, running from third on a single.

Sixth, seventh and eighth innings were dominated by Our Heroes, who brought in one run, two runs, and three runs, respectively. (6-7-8,1-2-3). Ninth inning was not a dramatic home run, it was bringing in one run after another on base hits and ground balls.

Not bad for one of the few causes we agree on. No, wait...

We agree that Charles Manson should not be paroled. (I think most of his ex-followers should).

We agree that killing Anwar al-Awlaki was a legitimate act of war, not an extra-judicial killing of a U.S. citizen.

We agree that President Obama handled the end of Osama bin Laden well.

We also agree that nobody has a right to murder Noni Darwish. We don't agree on whether her speeches merit much attention at all.

Anonymous said...

It's a bit off topic but I've noticed you wrote about J Street in the past Gary so here's another interesting video revealing their true intentions:

Miggie said...

I got an error message on YouTube that the J Street video is "no longer available due to a copyright claim by J Street."

J Street is as honest, open, and transparent as the Obama administration.