
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Persecution of Christians- A Report From Spain

Hat tip to Creeping Sharia and MRC-TV

The below report from Creeping Sharia  features a news broadcast from the Spanish station Telediario (with English sub-titles) and concerns persecution of Christians in Muslim countries. The video is graphic and begins with a clip of a teenage girl being stoned to death. Note: I would say that the title is misleading because the girl being stoned is presumably Muslim, not Christian. She was stoned because of problems with her parents.

The message is still clear that Christians (and other religions) are being persecuted in Muslim countries. (Virtually all Jews were driven out a half a century ago. Many immigrated to the newly-founded Israel.) Western leaders need to address these issues with leaders of Muslim countries.

They don't appear to be doing so, do they?

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