
Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Achille Lauro Re-Visited

Leon Klinghoffer-Murdered by Barbarians in 1985

Hat tip to Republican Party Animals

I was living in Italy in 1985 when the Achille Lauro incident happened. Palestinian terrorists hijacked the ship Achille Lauro and murdered an elderly Jewish-American man, Leon Klinghoffer, whom they threw overboard in his wheelchair in front of his wife.

I never thought I would live to see the day that someone in the West would make a production that glorified the killers and desecrated the memory of Klinghoffer. Where have I been all these years? Only 6 years after it happened, an opera was produced called, "The Death of  Klinghoffer". I only learned about it today from the blog, "Republican Party Animals".  (I have commented in both the below posting and the linked LA Times review, which is sickening in itself.)

Here is a Wikipedia entry for The Death of Klinghoffer:

I can only conclude that this work is emblematic of the moral equivalency that has taken over the West. That these useful idiots could produce a work like this that humanizes animals who would shoot a man in a wheelchair and throw him overboard in view of his wife is just downright sick. And that some opera critic could write such a review that praises "the compelling music" and Arabic poetry in the play is just as sick.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Funny, this is the first time I've ever heard that there was anything anti-Semitic about the play. And you've never even known there was such a play? I guess the news is "Gary didn't know... until now." Must be a slow day.