
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Qaradawi's Speech in Cairo

The American Thinker has an important article by Andrew G. Boston regarding Yusuf al Qaradawi's appearance in Cairo, which will certainly rain on the parade of folks like the NYT's David Kirkpatrick and others who think democracy is on the way to Egypt,


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Democracy in Egypt would certainly rain on the parade of people like Gary Fouse, who have their hearts set on an Islamic Republic.

Gary Fouse said...

Not al all, Siarlys. I hope that democracy does take hold. However, I live in the real world.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

You live in a world of paranoid delusion, and respond to it in ways that just might bring about your worst fears instead of laying them to rest.

The title of the rag you linked to would be more honest if they deleted the "h."

I am convinced that Islam is imminent, the caliphate is imminent. One of these days, the United States of Islam will be established. Allah willing, it will be soon. Egypt will be one state in this [United States of Islam.] Morocco and Saudi Arabia will be states as well.

Well, that's his opinion. In American, we allowed George Lincoln Rockwell and his half-Jewish successor Frank Collin rant in public all they wanted. It hasn't brought a government to power yet that tells us "you can't fight communism if you don't understand that it is Jewish." We still have elections every four years.

This knee-jerk pessimism, by people who seem intent on making sure that what is happening in Egypt WILL result in a jihadist government, is pathetic. Keep repeating it, keep sabotaging any support for the revolution sweeping the Arab world, and people on the street might come to the conclusion that indeed the Muslim Brotherhood is the only friend they have.

The interim government had two choices: keep the scum exiled, or make a general reform that free speech will be accepted, regardless of the viewpoint. Now, why don't you talk about how to make the case to the voters of Egypt that this is not the platform to vote for. Or are you too busy cheering for Qaddafi, because he denounced Osama bin Laden?