
Friday, July 30, 2010

Gore Cleared by Oregon Cops


According to the below article in Oregon Live by The Oregonian columnist Steve Duin, the Portland Police have closed the case on the sexual assault accusation against Al Gore.

I don't want to try and stake out a position that Gore is guilty of this accusation. I never have, and I predicted that this was going nowhere. Mr Duin is upset that police gave Gore VIP treatment when it came to his interview as compared with his accuser. Fair enough. Maybe the police simply didn't believe the charges in the first place, and that influenced their decision to play by Team Gore rules.

What I am waiting for is the reaction to this development from the feminists, you know, folks like N.O.W. and the Feminist Majority. I am sure they will be outraged by the manner in which the cops interviewed the accuser and the suspect, right? I mean I can't wait for this backlash to break any minute now..................


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, why would you expect NOW to see any more substance to these complaints than you do? Why would you call upon them to express outrage, when you are not outraged? You had a point when it came to supporting oppressed women in Iran. You don't seem to have any point here. You are demanding that NOW take a reflexive position based on emotionalism that you yourself have said would be misguided. Maybe they are too smart to fall for the bait.

Gary Fouse said...

You miss the point of the Oregonian op-ed. The writer was not complaining that Gore got5 away with something. He was asking why the accuser apparently got grilled and Gore was given a VIP interview.

I was asking if the feminists would ask the same question. They won't because feminism is not really about women- more about liberal politics.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Feminism, being about women, comes in as many shades of political thought as the human mind is capable of considering. This is a bit like debating which bloc of voters put a candidate over the top. It depends on which bloc of voters you put at the bottom of the pile. Stack up blocs, some bloc will be on top. Scramble the order, you change which one put you on top.

Perhaps, just perhaps, the complainant got grilled because it became apparent that her story was bogus. Maybe Gore got gentle treatment because he was no apparent imminent danger to the community.

Gary Fouse said...

"Perhaps, just perhaps, the complainant got grilled because it became apparent that her story was bogus. Maybe Gore got gentle treatment because he was no apparent imminent danger to the community."

Very possible as to the former. As to the latter, I would argue that Gore has always been a danger to the community. But that's another discusssion.

Actually this argument is relative to recent posts about why the feminists have not supported a bill to condemn Iran being on the Status of Women committee in the UN.