
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The UC San Diego Response-Sort of.....

I am cross-posting an article from the blog, "Yes but however" (forwarded to me by the Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism), that contains the statement by UC San Diego in response to the statement made by a Muslim Student Association member to David Horowitz last week. Also in this posting is a statement subsequently made by the student. It appears that the reaction of the university is that now we "can move on" (my expression).

How lame is this? Where have I heard this before? Keep in mind that this is the same university that was in turmoil a few weeks back over racially-tinged incidents involving African-Americans as the targets. It appears that we will see little if any press coverage of this latest incident by the local media. Will we see the chancellor and vice-chancellor out talking to students surrounded by cameras? It doesn't look like it. Will there be a student rally in support of Jewish students? Doubtful. If there is, will there be a professor out there heckling the protesters, such as happened a little while back at UC Berkeley (Prof. Andrew Gutierrez)?

The fact is that our campuses, especially in the UC system are being turned into focal points of anti-Semitism, and all we hear in response from the leaders of our UC universities (and the UC president) are pusillanimous statements against "all forms of hate."

Why is there such a double standard? Before you start scratching your head, let me give you the answer. It is liberal political correctness. The degree of "outrage" is always measured by who the victim is and who the perpetrator is. Some groups are more protected than others. It is also because our politically-correct administrators are more afraid of some groups than they are of others. So if a Muslim student/speaker makes a comment that he or she agrees with the statement of the leader of Hizbollah that "all Jews should gather in Israel so that they (Hizbollah) would have an easier time of hunting them down", you know the response is going to be very muted. If Jews or their supporters complain, just issue a letter condemning all forms of hate and it will all die down.

Not any more.

1 comment:

Gary Fouse said...

Thanks Miggie. I am following the reaction at UCSD closely day by day and it appears to be very ho hum.